Get Instant Access to the Strengthening & Deletion Past Monthly Membership Calls!

August 2021

Fulfill Your

Needs, Wants, and Desires

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!

It’s Time to Strengthen Your Body/Mind/Spirit
so that All Your Dreams are
Quickly and Easily 

Manifested and Actualized

Includes Specific Coronavirus and Vaccine Strengthening and Deletion For Protection, Prevention, and Ultimate Defense!

Marnie & Dr. Yuen Joined Forces On This Call -

You Will Receive "Double The Chi!"

Problems Addressed:

  • Physical Health
  • Money/Finances
  • Purpose/Career
  • Relationships
  • Less Aging/Time
  • Fitness/Body Reduction

    Targets These Specific Areas:

  • Experience Why Resolutions Don’t Work
  • Strengthen Your Fulfillment Triad so that your Needs, Wants, and Desires automatically become reality and with No Effort
  • Strengthen Your Aspirations, making their realization inevitable
  • Change Your Future by writing your own script as you Pre-Program Your Future for Health, Wealth, and Happiness


    Marnie will DELETE all your weaknesses so that your
     dreams turn into reality!

    Fulfill Your
    Needs, Wants, and Desires

    This is what you will receive in this month's package ....

    • ASSIMILATE - A PDF/manuscript that explains all the principles of fulfilling your needs, wants, and desires.
    • ACTIVATE- A Self-Strengthening and Deletion guided activation designed to be listened to daily  to keep you manifesting your dreams on a consistent basis.
    • RESULTS- A recording of the one hour group Strengthening and Deletion call.

    What a Few of Our Members Said After the 

    August Call - Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!

    I submitted a personal request before the call that I had a urinary track infection with burning and itching while urinating. I was in major discomfort, and I did not what to do the doctors. I listened to the live call, and I felt Marnie working on me, and my discomfort and infection is now gone.

    Yes, Gone!! No pain or itching!

    Randall D

    I explained to Marnie before the live call that my husband would be meeting via phone with his boss, and a representative from Human Resources, to discuss his retirement end date.  We were hoping to finalize the date, and he was told that they’d like to present a plan. I asked Marnie if she could work her magic to get us to what’s in our best interest, that’d be super!

    After the call, we got Fabulous news!!!  WOWOWOW! His SEVERENCE package was more than my husband and I could ever have expected, his last day is 11/29 and 7 months instead of 6 months severance, which is unheard of given the number of years David had worked there!  YAY YAY YAY!

    Marnie's Kung Fu energy is AMAZING!  I will be bottling that energy and applying to all I work on for strengthening.

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! WOW!!!! We are in shock and awe!

    Janine W.

    I submitted a request to Marnie that there has been much conflict and unrest on my team, for the last 1.5 years, I have been biting my tongue and dealing with unwarranted accusations on my work and character... from certain individuals, my boss and another engineer.

    I'm having good success with the recorded strengthening and Deletion Activation: Needs, Wants, and Desires, etc. I listen to it all the time. Being neutral has paid off... I got what I wanted, my Severance Package from my company (Disney), after Fox was acquired 3 months ago.

    This is important as it will give me Financial Flexibility for the next 6 months as I start the next chapter in my career.

    John K.

    My sister is extremely delighted that her foot pain has been completely gone since your call!! I can totally relate to how happy she is after having gone through my own excruciating heel spurs & plantar fasciitis 2 years ago that you cleared for me.

    Marta M.

    GOOD GREAT UNIVERSE! The call was powerful and the energy soooo amped up! I was also digging you channeling your Master DragonFest empowerment wisdom advocate-er!!!

    I felt so loved and appreciated and really genuinely cared for, and like the group being cared for was caring for all of humanity. Really, really Good stuff.

    Kathryn B.

    What Others Say


    “WOW!! I just moved another grand plus from my payments service into my bank account!  

    I've made more money and had more effortless registrations, connections,

    communications and just plain ease and grace in my work than literally ever before!  

    I have confidence, I feel honest, skilled and strong in self-assurance.  

    I feel more capable than ever and the family/work/having a life balance feels strong and stable!  

    Thank You, once again, Marnie: Your Strength, Improvement and Universal Alignment moves ALL of Humanity Along its BEST Trajectory."  

    Kathryn B.

    Sacred Artist


    Oh my Lordy! Wow, Marnie you are amazing. If I could be half as quick and good as you I would be friggin’ awesome!   This call and activation felt like the most shifts and expansion. I have spent years and countless dollars on practically every energy and non-energy healing work and courses, but this is the first time I can honestly say, I know it has worked and I know I have shifted into more of who I really am. Ha,ha I can't stop laughing. I feel so damn happy and giggly. Who needs G’n’ T's when there is you!  ... and career with relationships, I could suddenly see (finally) where and what I want to do. Love you so much and I'm so glad I resonated enough with you to join this program. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

    Dee H.


    I cannot wait for the next call!

    My eyesight is clearing up. I was having trouble seeing things in the distance clearly. It is now improving. I was also having trouble focusing when I am in artificial light, especially in my lounge room. Reading the writing on the TV, especially if the writing was white, was becoming difficult to read.

    I noticed last night that it was vastly improved - anything close up is crystal clear. Thank you for these changes! 

    Ashleigh D. 
    Stay at Home Mom

    Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!

    Only $47

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