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(Click a Past Membership Call Below)

March - Delete Financial Stress and Physical Pain on the Spot!

With Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

I have always had anxiety. During the call, I submitted a concern in the chatbox, and while Marnie was speaking to the next caller, my issue disappeared - the problem was survivor's guilt about not being sick with C19, which was obstructing my ability to feel like I could have fun and make good use of this time off work (from my non-essential job). Right away, and later last night and much of today, I felt the delight of being in the flow, enjoyed the anti-gravity of neutrality, and the inflammation was so much better last night and this morning as well - usually I don't get such dramatic physical relief.  

Tonight, during the free stream Webinar #2 to address Coronavirus, I mentioned in the chat that I think the combination of Marnie and Dr. Yuen is not just double - the two of you are more like 15X the Chi! Working in tandem seems to create a field or matrix that's powerfully stabilizing, to strengthen the community. Loving this dynamic duo! Thank you both for taking the opportunity to join forces during this time when public attention is focused on pandemic; the leverage for change is awesome.

Holly A.  
Designer and Sales Associate

I took the following notes the morning after this call:

*Today not bothered as much as before by time.

*Exercised more today than I have in months.

*Breathing is much better.

*Complete neutrality to the virus, the idea of getting it, or my family members getting it does not resonate with me.

*Anxiety around the idea of being stuck, not being able to travel home to see my son, that is simply GONE. (On a scale of 1 to 10 it was an 8 before the call)

***The idea that I never have enough time and how that has bothered me for so long, this is leaving me. Feeling like there was a Time (ha, ha) where I actually had too much time, and THAT is largely where my anxiety with time came from. As I have heard Dr. Yuen and you Marnie say, often, whatever we think our problem is, it's actually the opposite.

I am writing this 3 days after the call, feeling more neutral each day.

Thank you, Dr. Yuen and Marnie and team!!! Feeling the gift of being connected to you all, deleting and strengthening throughout the day :) Feeling more joy, especially today.  

Kimberly B.  
Mom, Wife and Writer

Kimberly B.  
Mom, Wife and Writer

I’m so glad to tell you that all the negative emotions and fears are gone! We are very calm and positive now! Thank you very much for your strengthening, it works perfectly as usual!! Marnie, you are right, it's key right now to continue, so I decided to continue to stay in the membership.  

Moon C.

Moon C.

Moon C.

Marnie, I did not listen to this call but the day after the call I was feeling great for days and I knew it was because of your call. Can you please continue to strengthen me and the rest of us this way until we can leave our homes after this house arrest is over? Greatly appreciated!! Hugs!  

Marisa C.

This is the 2nd time I have managed to stay fully awake throughout a call! One of my regular reactions throughout these calls/activations is yawning, and my eyes stream (I have tears rolling down my cheeks, albeit I'm not feeling emotional).

I didn't listen live to the call (sleeping), however, I did notice how well and refreshed I felt in the morning.

During the call I felt calmer and stronger, my breathing and lungs are clearer and stronger. I loved the eating clearing - as previously mentioned I have been losing weight, but in the last few weeks I had been stress eating and drinking - I am now getting back into my healthier balanced eating and feeling in control again. I am continuing to listen to the whole call (I particularly love the Kung Fu strengthening).

My focus for this month was worry about future finances (single, self-supporting with a mortgage, etc.) and this was before the social distancing/lockdown in the UK - catching the COVID virus does not concern me (I am healthy, strong and resilient). The effects on the economy bring up concern and nervousness, staying in employment to pay the bills and be able to do the things I love. I am currently working from home (alone!), unlike my fellow counterpart, I haven't been put on furlough yet and am still happily busy (the Yuen Method effect perhaps). Today another colleague mentioned our manager has said redundancies are a possibility, depending on how busy we are, and on our parent company in Sweden.  

Deep breath, delete mind & spirit, strengthen neutrality ...

Thank you for being you.  

Lorna C.

Lorna C.

Lorna C.

I feel so much calmer and neutral about the Coronavirus. It is a big relief to disconnect from the world's mind. It was so easy to tap into it and feel overwhelmed. Now when I read the news, I feel more detached. I haven't thought about my breathing in days either, I just realized. I have asthma, so this is great news to have the lungs clear! I also feel mostly neutral about my finances ... I still feel the need to make money to make the ends meet, but it isn't so challenging and scary feeling.

Karen C.
Writer, Blogger, Photographer

Karen C.
Writer, Blogger, Photographer

Something very beneficial happened for me 3 hours after the call ended. For a few days prior to the call, I had been dealing with what to do about one of the friendships I have. This friendship when it first started never felt like it was a lifelong friendship, but it did feel fun, exciting, and good. Just lately, it has started to slowly disappear and leave some hurt feelings. I felt like I needed to fight to hang onto this friendship but I could not tell you why I felt like this. I always knew this was the road that this friendship was always going to go down but I was resisting it for some reason. For 2 nights prior to the call, I would listen to the 4-minute activation and ask for guidance on this matter. I got an answer 3 hours after the live call! It was so clear and it immediately eased my thoughts about this matter. I still felt twinges of sadness over it all but it became clear in my head and heart. A few days after the live call, it all came to a head and the friendship ended. Belle gave me the best advice on how to deal with the ending of this friendship … just delete him, Mum!!! So, we listened to the 4-minute activation and right at the end, we mentioned about deleting him from my life. We giggled about it, but it did work for the emotional side of things. I noticed that any emotional ties I had to him felt like they had blown away with the wind. He is now just someone I know.  

This live call was a milestone for me. When I joined this membership a few years ago, this call topic was the first monthly call for me. I needed it so badly. Back and neck pain that was constant and a general feeling of exhaustion and heaviness was my normal. I realized how far I have come while listening to this call. I am much stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. Such a vast difference between then and now. For this call, I have spent more time thinking about my son and his back problems. His pain is lessening and he appears to be managing much better.

Ashleigh D.
Stay at Home Mum

Wow, I loved the call and really felt the energy! Thank you so much for doing all you do for us all and the whole world, what a gift! I really wasn’t sure how things were going to go as I could no longer work and as an independent, it really was going to be difficult. However, I received a call from the manager of one of the Health Food stores I worked in at times and he asked me if I wanted to work in the vitamin department as a temporary. Of course, I said yes and now I can help people (even with the Yuen Method without them knowing it) and it is also helping me. I feel less stressed about my debt. (Debt forgiveness for the world) I know that you have helped me and removed blocks with my finances/career so thank you very much. I also appreciate the strengthening of all of our families during this time. The media puts out a lot of fear and people need to be strong and neutral to that. I will continue to listen to the call and look forward to the upcoming ones. Thank you also for the bonus call as well.  

In appreciation and love,

Julie D.
 Health Products Demonstrator

David and I recovered easily from our sore throats so there were no worries about being ill for the burial service, which couldn’t have gone better. Even the sun was shining. We really gave Oliver a send-off that he would have liked, and I have totally felt the support of the Universe around that, also I’m sure that your work contributed to it greatly Marnie, thank you. 

Sophie F.
Mostly Retired

This is Lori Brad's wife, sending his feedback. Thank you so much for working on Brad's sore throat - it was gone by the next day!  

Brad G.

The call last night was amazing. By the end of the call, my breathing was much better. I wasn’t struggling to catch my breath. I felt much calmer. My daughter is due to have her baby any day now and was feeling guilty because I can’t be with her. I feel that you have worked on her and feel confident she is in good hands. I don’t feel as anxious about her. I live in Toronto and she lives in Vancouver. Please strengthen her to be on her own with her partner without help from family. Thanks, Marnie. You are blessed xo,

Barbara G.

During the call, I experienced a release of deeply held tension in my body. I felt freer in my movements and more ease with breathing deeply. Emotionally I felt uplifted and more positive and in control of my future both financially and physically. I am not worried about contracting the Coronavirus anymore. I loved Win's positive affirmation and have decided to adopt it since it brings in all the magic of the universe to support me in joyous ways. Last night I felt a familiar anxiety settle in about being able to achieve my goals immediately and in the future. I noticed I was starting to contract my energy and giving in to fear that I might not sell my house at the optimal price for me, and have to take it off the market for the time being. Underlying this was a fear of changing and going into my future with moving to a new home in another city, finding the right condo that meets my needs wants and desires at the price I can afford and changing to a successful retirement career that is in line with my passion. I experienced the all too familiar difficulty with sleep, frequent awakenings and inadequate length and quality of sleep. I was worried about having the time to achieve my immediate goals to achieve those future goals. Then it came to me in a flash that this isn't me, this is the collective consciousness and the old programming in my subconscious. I got up immediately and listened to the first part of the call recording to the end of the activation and now feel strong and positive again. These calls are so powerful! I am so grateful to be part of your family, Marnie! Please continue to strengthen me to feel deserving and worthy to achieve my goals quickly, precisely, and effortlessly with razor-sharp insight - Strong! 100% infinite potential 100% of the time. Much gratitude to you and your team, including Dr. Yuen.

Christie G.
Psychiatric Nurse

I felt so calm and could relax more after you said, “short term loss, long term gain.” It’s reassuring that everything’s going to work out well. The anxiety over financial stress and loss is different. I felt that this call was really crucial in terms of my financial panic and fear of my income and career and I am going to listen to the live call more frequently this month. I felt the energy extra strong!

I have a positive and prosperous feeling today.

And, you need to hear this!!! Today Amanda got permanent employment!!!!!

We are so happy for her!! I also have to tell you that Roberts's insight is clear and strong! He told me this morning that he knew that Amanda was going to stay and get permanent employment instead of losing her job, he just knew! I’m Happy, and I have to remind myself to never doubt my own insight.

Lots of fun and love,

Helena G.
Pilates Instructor

Although I am aware of the collective stress, I find myself deleting this regularly from my physical intelligence. During and after the call I felt very relaxed and disconnected from the Collective. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and I thank you for that!

Ellen G.
Homemaker/Yoga Instructor

Before the call, I was feeling sadness and a worry for many of my clients experiencing financial losses - I also had a worry about my parent's health. During the call, there was amazing support and strength from group and Marnie and by the end and after I reminded myself that I am neutral to all of this, I don’t resonate at the same energy as the virus.

Laurie G.
Life and Leadership Coach

My intense anxiety and panic were significantly less, if not entirely eliminated. Very powerful call and activation!

Stacey H.
Social Media Influencer/Model

Wow, what s call. I have acid reflux, which is often painful but is treatable with OTC meds, so I don’t do any … but as the C-19 discussion started, I worried ... Yesterday you commented about that and immediately I stopped having pain in upper lungs and trachea … And today as soon as it started, I was able to delete, and am pain-free... This may not sound like much, but this has been a persistent problem for me for over a decade. I don’t eat all kinds of things because of the fear of pain!

Otherwise I have been mostly neutral about Coronavirus, despite having a close contact die very quickly from it … My husband, who has panic, and my son have both moved from being very concerned to neutral, as I delete, using charts. I can’t wait to use activations from the last call.

My son’s partner is a nurse in the ER at Mass General/ Boston. She was exposed. He has had chemo ... So, we all had a few days of panic. I sent my issue last week. Within an hour of sending it, we all moved from extreme worry to neutral awareness. Yesterday, AFTER the financial call, my son called about an apartment he wished to buy but was too expensive, and other offers that came back in at a lower price and were offered to him. So, he is no longer thinking about C-19 and is excited about his new home! I made a small but smart investment move shortly before your call… I rarely make $ investments unless I fret and research for days. But an hour before your call, I made a change that has already made me $ without any angst! No struggle. Much love.

Anne H.

Many thanks to you & Dr. Yuen for strengthening! I feel completely calm about the C virus.

Jill H.
Builder and Real Estate Business

Awesome call Marnie!!!! Listening to the calls with both you and Dr. Yuen, and even though I was not on the call live the replay was insightful with who I resonated with... Lizzy and Shirley. Wow.

Karen H.
Retired Massage Therapist

So much happened during and after the call. I felt you and Dr. Yuen did work on me and what I wrote in the group chat. One thing was that I wanted was the man I see to dare to see me in those Corona times, and actually, he did he start to put words on how he felt and thought the day after! We are starting to get even closer and he said today how much he looks forward to meeting me. So, I do wish to continue to get help with us taking this to the next level. I do feel this situation brings us even closer together. I am ready to take the next step. Thank you for helping me, him and us!

Asa J.
Masseur, Craniosacral Therapist

That call was intense! By the end of it, I felt stoned, lol.  

During the call, my left shoulder into arm and hand were killing me with pain and nerve stuff, but by the end, it had gone away.

Kelly K.
Medical/Therapeutic Massage

Completely unrelated to my issue, I suddenly had a horrible toothache. It quickly spread from my jaw to my ear. I tried essential oils, Aleve, but it was so painful I couldn't sleep. I'm new to Marnie's work, but I figured, why not ask? So, I sent my issue to Marnie and she started to work on me right away. I was so thrilled as the pain receded more and more until it was completely gone. WOW! During this quarantine, I had no hope of seeing a dentist. Thank God for Marnie!

Christina K.
Complementary Medicine

Dear Marnie, I stayed up for the call till 3 am, it was terrific.

10 days ago, I prepared for a corona time out. Got enough food, put a big table in the room, where my daughter moved out last month, got some clay ... wanted to work on my organic recipes for a book or media. Escaping the blues of living all alone now.

Silvia L.
Organic Kitchen Manager

That clearing was off the charts amazing and splitting it into two topics was a great idea. Last week I asked for help to delete - again - my reaction to the virus, and especially the contagion reaction; and about being neutral to death and dying and especially living. I dove into the deep end of the collective pool of fear when I woke up with a sore throat last Friday. Note: you not only wiped that slate clear but scrubbed it squeaky clean, seemingly minutes after I submitted that request. I felt it immediately.  

Before this call, I *was* immune-compromised. Gone.

During the call, I felt a complete clearing of the reason I went to that emotional state of loss of protection. I was feeling all those unexpressed past traumas in my throat, drawing my attention to them and wanting to release them but unconsciously holding on to them. You've said many times, any pain in the body is the conflict of two states of being.  

During the call, I could feel all that and more leaving and releasing - all the weakness created from prior life traumas, to the hundreds of other weaknesses that added to that dip in perception and a terrible sense of loss - of no longer feeling protected. I'd felt totally protected after the first Bonus Clearing, so when I felt that wave drop, it was with an acute and overwhelming sense of loss, and panic, and I did not like it!!!  

Heck, I woke up with the same sore throat today and it's no big deal, with no reaction. Relieved and grateful.

A simple sore throat from sleep apnea took me down to my deepest fear of death and dying - including fear of living too long and becoming a burden, and all those side stories. Gone, Deleted, Bye-Bye.

After deleting all that on the call, I felt my immune response *pop* back to normal. No more over-revving and hyper-alert levels and then collapsing from exhaustion. (Another wave perceived and understood.) It is safe to return to a neutral level of protection.  

I'm still on an endorphin rush a day later after the call, so I will leave it here.  

Added note of my huge Ah-Ha from last month and added bonus of personifying it as Bird's Eye View.

My Insight 'Io (Hawaiian Hawk's Eye View) is showing me how to surf these waves more smoothly from a higher perspective. Waves exist in every level of reality: physical, emotional, weather, oceans, moon phases, everything. I've always wanted to surf and finally, I'm learning how.  

Step 1: Perception of the wave is key.  

Step 2: Where am I on the wave, and what do I need to sustain my balance?  

Step 3: Wherever I find myself on the wave, whether heading upward, top of the world, heading downward or at the bottom of a wave, remember step 1 and step 2.

And another Bonus call is about to begin. How Blessed are we!

MaeLou L.

Interestingly, although finances have been a huge concern for me, especially with corona, retirement, investments and the economy, family issues have been taking precedence over everything else. I am listening to the financial activation daily, but the activation from February continues to be critical as I feel karmic influences slowly releasing and feeling I’m calmer as I feel more empowered to move forward rather than being pulled back by the past and past lives. That being said, all strengthening regarding finances is greatly appreciated ... the world is changing so rapidly, being retired with no income, investments being severely compromised and uncertainty of timelines when life will turn around, running out of time and not knowing the source are certainly challenging. Thanks for everything Marnie ... just knowing that you are here for me and my family is beyond comforting! 

R. L.

First off, what a treat to see the passing of the torch, soooo cool and congrats Marnie. I feel lucky to have been a part of that call as I could feel the chi passing from Master to Master!!! It's so interesting that this global crisis has churned up some old cobwebs to be cleared. Ever since I've been working from home, I've been feeling like I've been going through some deep detoxification on many multidimensional levels. At times, it can be uncomfortable as old aches and pains are literally being exposed and needing some major clearing. I know that the Yuen Method has protected us from the tidal wave of mass consciousness that is affecting the entire planet. I'm more and more settled every day – Offense – Defense – STRONG!!!

C. K. L.
Sales Manager/Business Owner

Hi Marnie! Very Powerful call! You speed up all! I felt lighter; inner peace and inner joy to be with you and feel the energy! I recognize and value your Presence and your dedication to us. It made all the difference for good!

Thanks also to Dr. Yuen for being with you and us. Thank you, Marnie, for creating this opportunity! I feel you and I feel much stronger and calmer. Thank you!

T. S.
Partner: Spiritual Consultations

So very much is going on! I am glad that my daily listening to both the short and long activations and listening to whole call recordings are helping with staying neutral, with my perception of what is happening and intuiting what actions to take. I have been moving through a lot of things quite well - I just really, REALLY wish to have a much more relaxed and securely abundant life! I am only vaguely worried about finances and financial security, not terrified, as I had been not long ago.

Caroline M.
Technical Sales

Lots of good things happening, Marnie!

First of all, thank you for your continued support that keeps me, my sisters, and their spouses resilient and insulated from the tension, turmoil and health challenges brought on by this pandemic. I’ve never slipped back to the degree of unease that I initially had when we first realized this tidal wave was coming our way and I feel that my siblings are continuing on an even keel too. I noticed that you cleared away some anger and resentment that was percolating 2 days ago and I’ve been floating on a Zen vibe ever since!  

I’ve also noticed a shift in my self-care. For the first time in years, I’m taking time to cook and prepare foods that I’m ordinarily too busy/lazy/disinterested to do for myself! It’s quite nice to have this renewed inspiration.

STOCK Development request update: Businessman, Buzz, who heads up our neighborhood effort, just reported that Brian Stock has proposed even MORE concessions to get us on board with their development plans. They’ve pared down the # of condo units from 350 to 172! Plus, they’ve increased the setbacks from the road, reduced the 2 towers by 2 floors, the mid-rise buildings by 10 ft and some other offerings. I think that we can squeeze a few more concessions from him, particularly those towers that would still dwarf all of the other high-rises in our neighborhood.

My tooth pain sensitivity to hot/cold (April Mastery request): BIG improvement yesterday and even MORE SO today!!! Thank you so much for this, Marnie. The surface area of sensitivity is reduced by 75%+ (50% yesterday), the pain level is down to a ~3, (originally was at 8-9, down to 4 yesterday) AND I can drink with ZERO pain because somehow the exposure of that sensitive tooth to fluids passing through my mouth is somehow greatly reduced (smaller area of sensitivity?). I don’t know what I’d do without your program!

Here’s something that I can’t explain, but the outcome was great: My sister, Anne, called me in a panic the other day because her husband Jim was informed by his sister, Liz, that their brother, Richard, could no longer afford his rent due to being laid off (pandemic) and would be moving into their parent’s house to live since the parents were flying to Utah this week to live with Liz and her husband. Liz also said that their dad wasn’t completely on board with the idea of Richard moving into the parents’ house, but that it needed to happen, and that Richard had already been busy boxing up his possessions in preparation for the move.  

This was terrible news to Anne & Jim because they’re in charge of emptying out the parents’ house later this spring to get it ready to sell it and they both knew that if Richard moved in there, they’d never get him out and he’d never find another affordable apartment.  

That afternoon, Jim was meeting with his brother, sister and the parents to do some will-related banking together, so Jim was all set to make a case to the family why Richard shouldn’t move into the parents’ home. Unbeknownst to him, I made a series of corrections on all 5 members of the family using several of your family-related geometric figures. Anne told me later that evening that the most bizarre thing happened at the family's meeting. When Jim brought up the subject of Richard’s move, no one knew what Jim was talking about! Richard wasn’t planning any move, nothing was being boxed up, the father wasn’t aware of any conversations about Richard moving and no one seemed to know what he was talking about, so Jim just let it go and left it at that.  

I’m not sure what happened. Liz has spending and drama issues, but I don’t believe she’d maliciously make it all up, so did she imagine it? What other explanation is there? A reality shift? Anyway, at least all turned out well regardless of what actually happened.

That’s about it for my little life for now. Take care and thanks, Marnie! 

Marta M.

Thank you, Dr. Yuen, Marnie, and Team for your support and presence.

I felt a strong, protective energy around me during the call and a sense of having already come through this crisis.

Irina M.
Artist & Art Consultant.

It’s a given, I ALL-ways feel the uplift prior to the Call. THIS TIME, yes it was more pervasive and earlier. I’m glad you mentioned that, so I can correlate the ‘feel’ of your energy … though there was no other reason, life got better than Marnie Magic ;) 

Maria M

First of all, I am deeply grateful for both the instant effects and ongoing effects of each call so far (I started in January). My financial stress is continuing to improve even in this stressful and uncertain time. We got our taxes sorted after the first call and have been amazed at what a great outcome it was for both of us. I had to pay some, and my husband got a surprising refund and combined, we still came out ahead and had a nice amount leftover! YAY thank you!

Also, I reported that my asthma had kind of miraculously improved after 40 years of having to manage it with a lot of medication. I hadn't even asked for any help with it, but I find it is still improving and I can go days and even weeks without any medication at all! Amazing!

My husband’s mental health is also steadily improving, and he is seeking ways of managing it himself with therapy and other means instead of being apathetic about it which, again is miraculous! I am in awe! The best thing that came from the last call is a sense of peace and relief that I have found this method, a reliable way to get results and answers to problems that actually work! The jobs that my husband and I have at the moment are not highly paid at all and I was hoping we could still improve our cash-flow somehow but now I am just so grateful we are still employed and have security. I see how things can just turn around in an instant. I have gone from feeling hopeless to feeling strong in a matter of weeks. Thank you so, so much! 

Anna R.
Customer Service Officer

I experienced a shift regarding how to open myself up to a new scenario in terms of my daily work, money income and possible professional development. Assuming I would not collect some income for I do not know how long, I restructured my expenses so I could get by with my salary alone. And I was fine with it. But most important than that, I could finally, for the first time, see and feel myself doing Counseling from home, believing in it and enjoying it. And therefore, seeing it as a possible professional path: since 2017, I've been pursuing my studies in a new approach called The Human Biography, which to me is complementary to my Counseling Degree, and last week, while working on the two clients I'm practicing with since January, I felt I was qualified enough to successfully perform a job that I feel more comfortable and reassured with and that really counts, contributes and has meaning for others. I felt the combination of these two approaches a much more reliable resource than just Counseling or just The Human Biography. So far, it does not seem to be financially sustainable, but I felt a confidence in me, that I had not experienced before, acting as a Counselor. I felt my capability trustworthy and reliable. 

Andrea R.
Secretary, Reconnective Healing

Once again, a great call, my dynamic duo!! I felt energy leaving my body as it was twitching and releasing what doesn't serve me. Thank you so much for your dedication!

Ginny R.
Owner, Engineering Firm

I’m stepping into the “I can reverse anything” circle. For years I have allowed myself to be affected and sometimes controlled by what others want and believe. Clean slate. Those days are over. I still need strengthening to be confident to speak up to my husband. Otherwise, I feel strong.
Also, Marnie, thank you so much for your corrections to my left eye. My sty is so much better. My nurse practitioner told me it could take three weeks to heal, and just two days after your corrections the itchiness and swelling is gone, and I notice fluids able to move in my eye and out exit portals!

Mary R.
Musician and Feng Shui Consultant

Hi Marnie, Physically. I'm feeling a lot lighter in moving around at work and back at camp. A big change in emotions towards financial situations and mental thoughts. I was experiencing some right wrist and right shoulder blade pain, which I managed to delete. Thank you for your support. Kind regards

Ray R.
Underground Miner

I feel detached from the Coronavirus and all associated with it as a result of the strengthening and deletions. Thank you, Dr. Yuen and Marnie, for that.
I missed the call because I had the days mixed up, so, I was listening to the Coronavirus strengthening and deletion call replay during the same time this live call was happening! I received a lot of strengthening that evening!

Suzanne S.

Awesome energy on this call.
Definite improvement overall this month. Thanks so much. And Thanks to Dr. Yuen also. Awesome energy together! 

Diana T.

Thank you, Dr. Yuen, for all your help at this difficult time and thank you, Marnie, for the call and the two activations. The second one was amazing - so powerful - where you covered so many aspects relating to health issues with such accuracy, speed, and intensity! When you mentioned the 10,000 bricks issue what came to mind for me was the hormonal hot flashes I have been experiencing lately. Deleting the fear, panic, and shock relating to financial betrayal, loss, stagnation, and legal issues in this and other lifetimes, and also ancestral issues; strengthening the karma triad and false tools is also in order.
When Marnie said that quarantine ties into war it reminded me of my relatives' experiences in the North of Ireland during World War 2 when they had to stay in bomb shelters for safety. Interesting that I resonated with that as it brought up memories from childhood of fear and scarcity.

I now feel calm, confident and neutral, connected to my Higher Security for my protection and guidance.

I experienced some financial setbacks as the number of my clients diminished. Two friends, massage therapists, agreed to tell their clients about how I could help them, giving them sessions at a reduced rate. However, nothing came of it. I intuitively tuned in and understood what the issue was and energetically cleared it. I then got a call from a dear friend, a healer, who generously offered to write and introduce me (as the quintessential wise woman) to the 500+ people on her Facebook and Instagram! I am being rerouted (Marnie's words) and feel enthusiastic about presenting myself to more people creatively. More ideas popping in and a book to write!

I request the most benevolent outcome for me and all of us to have serendipitous synchronicities and amazing magical surprises - as the world goes through this time of great change.

My New Self is emerging - strong 100% infinite potential and beyond! 

Winifred W.
Agent of Change

More updates:1. From Feb call: During this current shelter-in-place, my son has been at his brother's house. A win-win-win situation. His brother would have been alone (his Dad is out of town) and my son would have been driving himself and me nuts. I think all the work from February created this blessing for us. Thank you.2. From March call: I have had great ideas as to how to proceed and I am researching the best ways forward. Thank you

Monica W.
Energetic Healing

Feeling at ease about the collective journey we are on – health-wise and financially - given the pandemic.

Glendy Y.
Sound and Energy Healing

I have been very calm throughout this pandemic and I know for sure it’s because Marnie always has my back (even Dr. Yuen this time!). Working at home and listening to those recordings/activation and continuing to do strengthening helps a lot. Too many criticisms/judgments/complaining etc. (yeah, everything from the Negative Thinking Octagon) during this time but I ‘m glad I have this method to help in deleting them within myself and all those around me.

Joyce Yuen
Compliance Manager

April - Ultimate Rejuvenation - Delete Physical Problems/Reverse Aging

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

Feedback for my dad in the hospital with the Coronavirus ...

Day 1 (Thursday, Apr 30th) after the call my dad is showing signs of improvement:

- Reduced sedation slightly and was able to respond to nurses by squeezing hands and moving feet.

- Reduced oxygen level, oxygen level not critical now and starting to breathe more on his own.

Day 2 (Friday, May 1st) after the call. Very significant improvement!! Great news!!

- Completely off the ventilator in the morning and breathing 95% on his own and only using a nasal tube to provide some oxygen.

- Completely off sedation, but not completely aware yet.

Great Work Marnie, my dad is almost there, let's keep the momentum going!!!

With Marnie and Dr. Yuen, there is always Hope!!

With Yuen Method there is always a way!!

Thank you so very much!!!

Final Update:

OMG! Words cannot express how I feel right now for all the good work and support I have received from the both of you.

You guys saved my dad's life!!!

I am lost for words here and I know saying “Thank You” doesn't even begin to express my gratitude of how I truly feel for what you have done for my dad.

My dad came home from the hospital yesterday Sunday, May 17th, and is at home continuing to recover and doing well. And he is COVID negative.

Forever grateful and thankful!!!

All the best,

Wayne M.
Wellness Consultant

My abdominal pain has almost disappeared and is no longer concerning, just a little annoying from time to time. Definitely feeling more neutral about things. Sinuses cleared during the call even though I hadn't really noticed them before the call. Thanks for all you do!

David B.
IP Attorney

I had been feeling very uneasy and anxious. However, I felt like a reset of all my systems during the call. When I went to sleep, though, I was still feeling kind of uncomfortable. But this morning, I started like brand new.  

Again, I can't believe the immense amount of very specific minor nuisances that I resonated with, like digestive problems or thumb pain. That huge resonance always amazes me!

Andrea R.
Secretary, Healing Facilitator

Shortly before the call, I was feeling really cranky towards my husband, which began to spiral into feeling cranky about future plans ... but within a few minutes of the call, I was calm, centered. I couldn’t remember what I was annoyed about. I had to laugh, as that was the first time in months that I was irritated with him. What a miracle in and of itself.

Anne G.

Last month’s call was exceedingly energizing!

Bradley H.
Real Estate Developer

I have lost some weight. I felt the Kung Fu strengthening was amazing. I feel that my energy is moving better, I have no fear of the Coronavirus. Thank you both for the world healing. What a great benefit you both are to the world.

With thanks, love and gratitude.

Diane H.
Women’s Advocate and Healer

I was feeling the effects of that time in life-menopause coming and everything breaking down, getting larger, and staying awake all night as many women report at this time in life. So, I’m now sleeping 7 hours without having to heavily drug myself - melatonin only. Today I was working out on Zoom with friends and I couldn’t remember the specific corrections for fitness so just corrected myself for all your fitness protocol and went full speed to the finish, completing almost a minute ahead of the gang. The last two minutes are usually painful, but today finished strong and fast!!

Leah H.
High School Support Staff

This call was great. Your insight around the virus is so interesting - particularly the connection between the digestive system and the lungs. My digestive system is typically slow, so I have to do a lot of strengthening around it. AND my lungs sometimes have a slight wheeze sound at the end of the day. This makes sense. After each of your Coronavirus calls, my wheeze goes away and my digestive system is working very efficiently! It's amazing!!

Ellen G.
Homemaker , Yoga Instructor

Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen, for a great call! I always feel so great when connected to you! I feel so neutral to the Coronavirus, but feel like I do pick up on others’ emotions, reactions, and negative thinking. So much misinformation and confusion coming from others. My children think I don’t take this seriously enough so thank you for your amazing assistance to the group and the world!

Jill H.
Builder and Real Estate Broker

Marnie, I can understand why this is your favorite activation ... it is amazing! So many issues that I was experiencing were corrected on the call, and I did not even turn in an issue this month. Just since the call, my digestion much improved, light sensitivity with eyes is a little better, my hair stopped falling out, I have flexibility in my back again ... amazing!!!!!! And the absolute best ... is knowing to disconnect from my husband’s mind and spirit every night. OMG ... that is huge for me. I am sleeping peacefully and feel happy and well-rested in the morning. Something I have not felt in years!!!! Truly, thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen, for this blessed gift.

Karen H.
Retired Massage Therapist

You need to know that I HAVE NOT LISTENED to the April call yet. Been so busy enjoying my life, a lot of cool things are happening!

I did listen to the 28-minute activation though, a couple of days after the call. I think my feedback will be interesting because of all the positive changes I've felt since that call. Even though I haven't actually listened to the call yet, I feel the synergistic effect! Definitely something that requires the experience to truly understand.  

The first positive change I noticed the morning after the call. I woke up and my body felt different, like a younger, more fit version of myself, even my husband noticed. I went for my morning walk and just days before I was laughing at myself because I had noticed that my butt felt like someone else's, lol. I've gained a few pounds these last couple months, but I was not fighting it, more like accepting this new, older, slightly chubby version of myself. But the day after the call, that perception was gone! It was like I lost weight overnight. It sounds crazy, but even my husband noticed. Now, I'm feeling more energetic and using an exercise bike to continue on this path to more physical fitness.

I am definitely feeling your remote strengthening. My issue with connection has improved, I have a new best friend! She lives a block away, feels like I've known her forever.

Book project ... CLARITY!!! Too long to describe this one but wow! The universe literally shouted at me, I heard. Moving forward with that and it feels GREAT!

And my daughter ... She has a new best friend too! I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. Her competitions have been canceled, but she's still been able to surf during quarantine and is in a wonderful place. Her relationship with her Dad is improving as well.

Kimberly B.

Knee and left hip aches are much better now and feeling more flexible, less stiff. Before, I would wake up and feel like an old cripple. Now, young and alive … thanks!!!!

Lori C.
Flight Attendant

Nothing submitted in writing but I'm finding I can just ask for help in a certain area and it happens. This month it was cease and desist on pollen allergies, enough already. Cannot sneeze in a store w/o causing a panic, even while wearing a mask! Sure enough, *poof* gone. Also, I asked for deletion of general lethargy, just lying around all day, every day, eating more, gaining weight, not wanting to even move after 30 days quarantine. A day after the call, I woke up and did my pool work out, didn't even think about it - BAM- Just Do It! The next day, instead of flopping on the couch to read, I looked around and effortlessly and easily rearranged the quarantine nest, top to bottom, side to side, and did a deep clean. Rearranging makes the cleaning fun and creative finding a new way to see the world. The next day I tackled the tough job that I avoid and dread every year - picking a different room each day to oil the koa wood walls and koa cabinets and bookshelves everywhere and koa furniture -- it gets a dull mildew sheen from humidity in subtropics. I love koa wood too but why so much and I had no idea work needed when I rented the place. Ahh, so much better to enjoy staying home with a new view in a clean space (and gleaming walls). It was Effortless. I tell ya’, an hour at most each day, with a quick swipe up and down walls with my inventive use of a wide dust mop with swivel head. And enjoyable wipe down of all the built-in cabinets and dusty shelves and the satisfaction of making tables shine while singing at top volume.

Thanks Marnie and Kam, your Kung Fu deletions are off the charts. Marnie, you were deleting at warp speed, faster than I’ve experienced before, it was amazing to just observe and learn. Karate slams in nonstop motion.

MaeLou L.

Hello Marnie, before the call, I struggled with some allergy symptoms. I must admit that I am already familiar with the method of strengthening. I have already read your book several times again and again and I have followed you and Dr. Kam Yuen already for a long time. My intention to experience your life became true as you gave an introduction to the Yuen Method in Stuttgart, Germany.

My wish is to go deeper, be better and better in the method for my own benefit and the benefit of all others who find me.

I listen to the Self-Strengthening ... I experience it like a meditation three times a day. I feel great and very much centered. I am at peace and issues that may arise with my family members, for example, get solved very quickly ... melting by themselves.  

The allergy symptoms are gone.

I am very thankful to you and Dr. Kam Yuen for giving me the opportunity to be in your membership group.

As I live in Germany, I cannot contact you directly ... well, it is not so urgent, but I can listen to the recordings and use this energy as well.

With love,

Maja K.
Pensioner, Hobby Therapist

Unbelievable how fast you work! My May request [sagging skin of upper arms] is already completed!

My arms look terrific! The unsightly crepey wrinkly appearance is gone and I can appreciate my nicely toned arms again! HUGE thanks, Marnie!

Marta M.

Following the call, I got into bed and felt absolutely no pain in my hips or my knees. I really slept soundly that night. The next morning, I took my online big room yoga class and had more flexibility than I can ever remember, even in the hot studio. Thank you for your strengthening.

Mary R.
Musician and Feng Shui Consultant

The call was wonderful, I felt multiple times the chi with the both of you working on us. There were times I felt lighter and more optimistic about my return to normal walking.

Monica W.
Corporate Career and Mom

I need to let you know my Dad is definitely doing good.  

I am not feeling the energy that was here 2 days ago.  

I am in awe of the Yuen Method.

Thank you.

I am going to listen to the August, September recordings because I feel I am being pulled in different directions.  

Since the start of you both working as a team lifting 1000's of pounds off us, has definitely made the difference.

100 percent infinite potential.

Nancy S.
Dog Grooming Salon Owner

This is right after the replay, and I am feeling very strong and alert. This is really great. I was so tired and sore, as I have been extremely busy and working hard. This is perfect timing for me. I expect it to continue getting better as the days pass. Just what I needed. Thank you so much.

Patricia S.

Probably due to all of the Coronavirus issues in the world, I had been feeling anxiety in the middle of the night, with feeling a too fast heartbeat and unwanted alertness. This has subsided a great deal since the April calls. I would still like some strengthening in that area, but my sleeping is better and calmer. This has been positive in the face of the virus numbers going up in the world.

Margaret C.
Retired School Counselor

I’m very happy to update you on my physical conditions.

This morning I woke up early with the pleasure of moving my body, feeling a wonderful vital energy … no more laziness or a sense of heaviness and blocks. I took advantage of it and walked for 6 km in the park since it has been reopened just last Monday because of Coronavirus.

Rita L.

Issue: During orthodontics treatment, upper 4th left tooth loosening, and hurts.

Change: Pain with that tooth stopped even before the call, it does not feel lose any more. Hooray!

The dentist still thinks a root canal is necessary because of the x-ray he took when it was hurting.

I convinced him to take another x-ray on our next appointment because I hope the root canal is not necessary and the tooth is still alive and OK again.  

I am curious about what it will show.

Thank you so much.

Silvia L.
Organic Cook. Kitchen Manager

The call was fantastic! I felt calm, inspired, and by the end of the call undefeatable! The morning after the call, my husband woke me up with pure excitement telling me that against all odds his company, (he sells advertising for TV and radio) had decided to give him his bonus check even though they are having layoffs and the advertising business is operating at 80% less revenue due to Coronavirus ... no one is advertising their car dealerships, cruises, etc. business is way down and on top of it he got an extra $900 added to the bonus with no explanation other than all of your strengthening for finances during this crisis is working. $17,000!!! Much love and gratitude hoping the same for everyone else during this difficult time in the economy (and continued solid income for my husband who has been working from home for 8 weeks due to quarantine and stay-at-home orders.)

Thank you again, Marnie and Dr. Yuen!

Stacey H.
Social Media and TV Personality

Powerful call!!!

Thank you, Marnie! Thank you, Dr. Kam Yuen and team!

Spiritual Consultations

Thank you very much Marnie.  

I woke up this morning feeling 100% better  

No more flu-type symptoms.

Theresa M.

My issue is to complete the sale of my home. I received a decent offer which I accepted. It was the only offer so far due to the economic and health-related uncertainty with COVID-19. It's conditional on the sale of their home and they also have accepted an offer conditional on the sale of that buyer’s home. It all looks like it will go through, and I will know by the end of next week! I agree with Marnie that everything that happens has a higher purpose and I am confident that my home will sell regardless of whether the sale happens with this buyer. However, I am truly willing to let go of it now!! What will it take to complete the sale now??!! I love listening to the Coronavirus Activation. I feel so strong every time I hear it and the same with the anti-aging activation. I've listened to the live anti-aging call 3 times and get more from it each time! And by the way, Marnie, the chest pain I reported with my initial feedback is gone! You are amazing! I feel so blessed to be part of this group! Many thanks to you and your team!

Christie G.
Psychiatric Nurse

The timing of this energy, I found really supported me in areas I did not think I was working on. When one clears, I think two appear.

Being able to be aware of these quickly and deal with them is really great. This also helps me turn to Marnie when I'm in over my head.

Yuen Method is amazing!!!!

Judy W.

Something very beneficial happened for me 3 hours after the call ended. For a few days prior to the call, I had been dealing with what to do about one of the friendships I have. This friendship when it first started never felt like it was a lifelong friendship, but it did feel fun, exciting, and good. Just lately, it has started to slowly disappear and leave some hurt feelings. I felt like I needed to fight to hang onto this friendship but I could not tell you why I felt like this. I always knew this was the road that this friendship was always going to go down but I was resisting it for some reason. For 2 nights prior to the call, I would listen to the 4-minute activation and ask for guidance on this matter. I got an answer 3 hours after the live call! It was so clear and it immediately eased my thoughts about this matter. I still felt twinges of sadness over it all but it became clear in my head and heart. A few days after the live call, it all came to a head and the friendship ended. Belle gave me the best advice on how to deal with the ending of this friendship … just delete him, Mum!!! So, we listened to the 4-minute activation and right at the end, we mentioned about deleting him from my life. We giggled about it, but it did work for the emotional side of things. I noticed that any emotional ties I had to him felt like they had blown away with the wind. He is now just someone I know.  

Ashleigh D.
Stay at Home Mum

Something very beneficial happened for me 3 hours after the call ended. For a few days prior to the call, I had been dealing with what to do about one of the friendships I have. This friendship when it first started never felt like it was a lifelong friendship, but it did feel fun, exciting, and good. Just lately, it has started to slowly disappear and leave some hurt feelings. I felt like I needed to fight to hang onto this friendship but I could not tell you why I felt like this. I always knew this was the road that this friendship was always going to go down but I was resisting it for some reason. For 2 nights prior to the call, I would listen to the 4-minute activation and ask for guidance on this matter. I got an answer 3 hours after the live call! It was so clear and it immediately eased my thoughts about this matter. I still felt twinges of sadness over it all but it became clear in my head and heart. A few days after the live call, it all came to a head and the friendship ended. Belle gave me the best advice on how to deal with the ending of this friendship … just delete him, Mum!!! So, we listened to the 4-minute activation and right at the end, we mentioned about deleting him from my life. We giggled about it, but it did work for the emotional side of things. I noticed that any emotional ties I had to him felt like they had blown away with the wind. He is now just someone I know.  


After this activation, my right foot and toes have improved. So, things are moving in the right direction, it is still not totally normal yet. But we are improving. So yeah! Keep on working on it! I listen to all of April's different activations and find them very helpful. I'm totally disconnected from the world’s mind and find the whole virus situation surreal, especially since we haven't been impacted much at all. We are making money - which is fantastic, our business has had time for much-needed improvements. We are creating new online classes and are connecting to people in a better way.

Karen C.
Writer, Blogger, Photographer

I've been very worried about this Coronavirus and not sleeping well. Both during and after the call, I felt so much lighter. Like my worry and fear were being lifted out of me and I slept through the night!!!  

Laurie M.

I WILL be utilizing the recording to reinforce it all, as this one was a bulls-eye to SO MANY symptoms. At first, I was super cold/groggy, so put out a silent SOS for help, then kind of heard Dr. Yuen say, stand up then! Within minutes afterward, I was warm, energized & alert. About the middle of the strengthening, I felt a whole bunch of tiny switches in my nervous system flip like pixels all changing to a different picture - from a stagnant disease-state of reacting to a nerve toxin to one of clarity, equanimity, and health. (WOW!) When the emotional impacts of age-related issues were addressed, this went to the heart of some enormous grief I'd been feeling after hearing a few days ago that a former sweetheart had died; it just kind of neutralized and put it into its correct time sense or something. Also, this is really fun, right after the call, I went out in the rain to grocery shop in my car and EVERYTHING looked intensely vivid, brilliant, and sharp-edged. I didn't even know my eyes were especially affected - it was like the decrease of inflammation in my brain I've felt after being on a strict keto diet for several weeks. I think I could even see distances better WITHOUT my glasses. Whatever you two are doing, please do not stop!

Holly A.

Thank you, Marnie, the lower back and legs pains are 95% gone.

Arzelie B.

It's really incredible what a situation like this pushes people to improve, to get stronger, to help others in whatever way we can. I've said before that it seems like I repeat myself, but I read others' feedback and they also say that all these calls have been amazing. When I thought that the March call was the most powerful, in comes the 1st call of April and then this last call which was truly deep - just the idea of an organ being neutral brought such shift.

A huge thank you to Dr. Yuen and you for creating the Yuen Method and continuing to developing it. It's really a beautiful energy and feeling to see in real-time this passing of the torch from him to you.

Pedro X.

I felt many immediate changes physically as the call went on and other people’s pain matched mine, i.e., upper shoulder and neck pain and joint discomfort. I slept well after the call and woke up to a light heart and sang the day through. Much less worry about my income and trusting I was connected to the universal plan for me.

Erin B.
Dance Teacher

My question before the call was related to school. I did well in my current studies - 2 "A"s and 2 "B"s in my classes.  

Thank you, Marnie and group  

Sending Love,

Inae K.

My creativity has gone up! I am able to provide a variety of solutions to my colleagues and bosses on the spot if not in a very short period of time whenever they try to seek my help.

Joyce Y.
Student Compliance Manager

I asked that my husband's business closes more big sales. I am sure this is happening!! I had one personal sale for my healing business. My sincerest thanks and gratitude for the continued strengthening, deleting, and goodness that is palpable at times!!

Haley M.
Artist, Light Worker  

I am very, very, happy that I have found you. I am seeing results. There has been a lot of forgiveness work and unconditional love work that has come up during April and into May. Mostly concerning myself. I am also getting answers to questions very quickly. I will wonder something and get answers right away, like a conversation. I have always gotten answers, but not right away like this. I have found this very helpful. Thank You. I know that this is working on so many levels.

Much Love to you.

Alice L.
Wedding and Event Photographer

The day after the call I suddenly, as I sat home on my sofa, sat outside, and felt I was surrounded by a bright light. As it was cloudy, it could not be the sun shining in through the window. It was so bright! I tried to turn off the light in the ceiling as it was so intense, just to find out that it was switched off! I had more times with this sensation of the light surrounding me, and I thought every time that now Marnie and Dr. Yuen are working on me to help me to feel safe, to clean, and protect me. I felt your presence as if you were in my living room and I cannot thank you enough! I have no clue how it works, but I once again feel the light around me protecting me, healing me, and guiding me and I wish to share this powerful feeling!

Asa J.
Business Owner

The call was quite amazing - I always listen after the event and did the activation first. I noticed energies moving throughout my body. When I did the full call the next day, I focused on your and Dr. Yuen's midlines as well as my own and the effect was extraordinary; I experienced lots of energy and vibration in my body and at some point during the activation part, I expanded into spaciousness and bliss, everything stilled and at the same time my body felt more condensed - similar to the space between 2 magnets. As always, I am intrigued about what else is possible with the Yuen Method.

So much gratitude for you and Dr. Yuen.

Lorna C.

I feel calmer in general, since I’ve started listening to your calls in November 2019.  

I feel like everything is possible and I am ready for the best part of my life.

I am pretty sure that I will sell my apartment in Divine timing and I trust that will all turn out for our greatest good.

Boyana G.
Airport Supervisor

All I can say is, I feel smooth.  

I am not concerned with going out or taking phone calls. I can actually sense when my mind is trying to push in, but the smooth calmness completely overrides it and I remain completely grounded.

Karen W.
Mum of 6

I wanted to experience more energy in my life, as a lifetime of health and financial worries was getting me down and I could see my daughter developing similar traits - and I want a better life for her. I am happy to say I am observing a big improvement in her attitude, doing positive things for herself without being pushed into it! I noticed an increase in energy as well in the last week and I am feeling great. During the call, I started to feel calmer about my life issues. My eyes had been very sensitive and watery for weeks. This was also brought up by someone else and I resonated with it and now this has greatly improved and getting better. I had other issues with a group of friends that came up which was sending me into a spiral, and I am still blown away at how miraculously all the drama just disappeared without any intervention. I am continuing to feel better and more alive each day. Thank you so much. I am still quite amazed at the improvements I feel each and every month!

Anna R.
Customer Service Officer

Physical vitality. Was feeling a lot more energy flow throughout my body leading up to the call, it was an amazing experience. Wasn't impacted by external influences as a lot of guys here at work are starting to become fatigued, which kept me in a real uplifting state. During the playback, the lightness was beautiful to be in and full of ecstatic energy. Thank you for your support Marnie and looking forward to next month's call.

Ray R.
Jumbo Operator

My personal issue was my jaw infection and puffy cheeks.

Before the call, my cheek had been puffy for over a month due to a chronic jaw infection. I’ve definitely noticed this decreasing; I feel my lymphatics are flowing better as the generalized edema has decreased and my ability to eliminate has improved.

Before the call started, I was having intense back pain. Midway through the call, the pain was gone. I’ve also been getting a lot out of the daily strengthening from this call. It has really helped decrease my pain and medication use. I could feel it opening my nervous system with a sensation of space and openness through my spine and brain that spread throughout my body.

I also noticed my neck had less tension after the call.  

On top of this, my father-in-law sent me a $200 check for my birthday which just arrived, even though my birthday was May 1st. It came from Japan, so that’s why it took so long. But the good thing is that it arrived right when I knew what I needed it for. So, when other people asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I asked for money towards your upgrade special package, and I was able to get exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for your help, and I’m really excited I get to join you for the May 20th Lifestyle Mastery call and the Level 2 Course.

I find your calls exhilarating. Very inspirational.

Joseph S.

My personal issue was my jaw infection and puffy cheeks.

Before the call, my cheek had been puffy for over a month due to a chronic jaw infection. I’ve definitely noticed this decreasing; I feel my lymphatics are flowing better as the generalized edema has decreased and my ability to eliminate has improved.

Before the call started, I was having intense back pain. Midway through the call, the pain was gone. I’ve also been getting a lot out of the daily strengthening from this call. It has really helped decrease my pain and medication use. I could feel it opening my nervous system with a sensation of space and openness through my spine and brain that spread throughout my body.

I also noticed my neck had less tension after the call.  

On top of this, my father-in-law sent me a $200 check for my birthday which just arrived, even though my birthday was May 1st. It came from Japan, so that’s why it took so long. But the good thing is that it arrived right when I knew what I needed it for. So, when other people asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I asked for money towards your upgrade special package, and I was able to get exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for your help, and I’m really excited I get to join you for the May 20th Lifestyle Mastery call and the Level 2 Course.

I find your calls exhilarating. Very inspirational.

Joy E.

Hi Marnie! I wasn't able to be up for the call this time, but I listened to it the next day. It was awesome. You also targeted other issues that affected me and my parents. It was a very deep dive into our whole-body type of strengthening!! You are so lovely!! I love your energy, your vitality, and your enthusiasm! I also appreciate having two Masters working on me. This is my first month and I appreciated the manuscript very much. I like knowing the why of things. The quick activations are awesome!! I try to listen to them every day. As a matter of fact, I woke up with a bad headache (small migraine type of thing) and I was looking forward to listening to the activation. I also focused on the reasons, the sources, and causes of it to be deleted. A couple of hours later it was almost gone, to the point where I am feeling great right now!!  

During the call, I was calmer, more neutral, and full of energy and vitality to the point that I wanted to tell everybody about the Yuen Method. Surprisingly enough, I received a call from a friend from California with whom I had not spoken in weeks and I was able to tell him about you and the Yuen Method.  

My digestive problems seem to have disappeared, although I do have a bit of acid reflux when I get up. I hope to keep strong and neutral until the next call.

I have joined your Level 2 Course this month. I want to learn more to help myself and my family members.

Marnie, you have a gift, continue using it for people's benefit.

We are unstoppable!

I love you!

Rosa G.
Primary School Teacher

My request was that I have low energy throughout the day. April was my very first call. I experienced nothing during the call. But in the last two weeks, I have noticed that I'm able to do the things I've been procrastinating on and have the energy to do the things I dislike (cooking, cleaning, homeschooling). I still have fatigue. I am surprised that I have enough energy during the day, despite only sleeping 5-6 hours a night for the last 2 weeks. Thank you! 

Linsey L.

Listening to the replays are powerful. Today while listening, many symptoms including a horrible headache dissipated. Amazing! I love that I can do it on myself.

Anna Y.

I wrote in about this client that was returning their sprinter camper van for warranty work. They had a 4-page list of things they wanted to be fixed. All of us at work felt sick about this returning client. Once they arrived things felt much better. The anticipation was worse than doing the work. Yes, their demands were ridiculous, yes, we had to work overtime, and yes, they left and immediately returned for things that weren’t quite right, but we all felt strong and mostly unaffected by them. Today they left for another long journey in their home on wheels and hopefully are finally satisfied.

Sequoia R.
Camper Van Technician

Neck/Shoulder/Armpit/spine pain (implant/satellite) continues to improve.

Glendy Y.

I asked for my gums to improve. Over the past year that we have been in your program, the dentist has said his pockets in his gums are not as bad as they used to be. So, something is working!

Brad G.

My shoulder feels better and overall after the call, emotionally and physically, I feel good! Thank you so much Marnie!

Natalya F.
Sales - High End Jewelry

My shoulder feels better and overall after the call, emotionally and physically, I feel good! Thank you so much Marnie!

Mary S.
Natural Health Field

April - Bonus Call

Ultimate Rejuvenation -
Delete Physical Problems/Reverse Aging

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

Thanks for the additional BONUS call, Marnie! TMJ pain has improved, as well as back pain, and sleeping better.

David B.
IP Attorney

The effects were notorious: I had been feeling awful that day, like intoxicated, and during the call, I felt a great improvement. By the time it ended, that nuisance had dissipated completely. Awesome! Thank you.

Andrea R.
Secretary, Healing Facilitator

Thanks a lot for always being there strengthening us!

Fortunately, we are feeling OK, and we are glad to be here in Salta.

Yesterday, my husband managed to do a good financial operation and he was glad about it. Thank you!

Mariana G.

Felt clearer and stronger. Left lateral breast pain and pressure is gone!

Suzanne S.
Commercial Real

My tooth/gum is much better after the call.

Anne M.
Medical Technology Business

My successes:  
I talked with Marnie in early March about a court case over my mother’s trust which has been in limbo. This was a day or so before Seattle became the first center of the COVID-19 outbreak. Marnie asked me on our call if my lung hurt. I was unaware, but within 2 days I had many symptoms, chills, and pain in the upper chest, but no fever. I panicked that my family, all with other health issues would be infected. A neighborhood leader whom I saw daily, our grocer, died suddenly. I was not tested as only folks with fevers were being seen and tested. My son, his girlfriend, an ER RN both tested positive, but as I listened to Marnie and Dr. Yuen, I had increasing calm. Short of my initial chills and tiredness of 1-2 days, we are all symptom-free and the tests my son and his partner had been negative; waiting on 2nd set.  

Although I have no known resolve of court delay, we have remained steady, stable, and balanced. I am certain a year ago I would have spent a month worried and fretting.

Anne G.

Hi Marnie. I felt great after the call. Less stressed and much calmer.

Barbara G.
Many Different Jobs

My neck pain is gone. Thank you! We just rented our Airbnb for a month after feeling like we would get no bookings. I am feeling much calmer and non-reactive. Thank you, thank you. 

Charlene L.

Overall, I feel really strong. NO FEAR! At two different times it stirred up some stuff in my throat making me cough and a feeling of blockage,

but soon cleared and just a slight feeling of something behind the indentation at my throat. I really feel strong and all in all, well. Your combined energy is just awesome!!  

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Diana T.

Wow, Wow, Wow! My issue was how useless I felt with residual bitterness from my recent work issues. Out of nowhere, I got this idea to start an online rhythm club for our students. I effortlessly wrote a proposal, submitted it to my new boss and colleagues, was thanked for my creativity during this time and dedication to our students with a full blessing to make it happen. That day, some of us were granted access to an online forum and 24 hours later, an email came out from our school board asking people to remember the importance of music and the arts for our kids. I have no idea how I am going to figure this out, but Marnie, when you say that things happen for a reason... if I hadn’t been transferred and gone through that whole storm, I wouldn’t have a boss open to this and I still would have no idea how to help our struggling, isolated students.  

Please strengthen me to figuring out the details and strengthen the kids to showing up. I think this could be so powerful for them to feel their community, slap a tabletop or their bodies in rhythm, and laugh together.  

Strong to connecting; strong to succeeding!  

Thank you, Marnie for clearing the way for this to unfold!!

Leah H.
High School Support Staff

Thank you for this call!! My dog Lilly's back legs are much better. She had oral surgery between my last submission and now and this may have been causing some challenges in her back legs. Also, I have experienced pneumonia a couple of times in my life, last time a couple of years ago. I always notice a sound in my lungs as I breathe at the end of the day. It has concerned me if I were to get the Coronavirus. Since the call, I have not noticed any sound coming from my lungs at all! Yay!

Ellen G.
Homemaker and Yoga Instructor

Marnie's strengthening calls have been a huge support during this time. I am so grateful to Dr. Yuen, Marnie, and the team who make this program possible! I have felt more inner clarity in the recent days, such as I am clearing my energy fields with faster insight and letting go of past experiences - emptying the trash can every day, as Marnie would say.

During the call, I wrote in about being triggered with abandonment issues and felt it was gone the next day. My left knee doesn't hurt right now, and that is something I hadn't even mentioned. Digestive system is much stronger. I feel weaker when I leave the grocery store, breathing is heavier, but I don't panic and re-balance fairly quickly.  

Also, started to exercise again and have been painting a lot - this is a good sign, as feeling more like myself and it's now possible to focus on activities.

Irina M.
Artist & Art Consultant

During and after the call, I felt so strong and calm. The move is going well!

Jill H.
Builder and Real Estate Broker

The extra calls are much needed as the waves of fear keep crashing on us. This was the second time I was able to listen to the call again, and it was very apparent how the activation just zapped the negative energy and melted it out of my body. It's such an intense energy that is being put out into the world right now, but every time we clear and strengthen, we are more balanced.  In the last few weeks, I have been sensing the imbalances are magnified, like we're clearing thousands and thousands of layers of gunk!  

Most of the heavy stuff is gone, whew! Looking forward to our next calls.

Sales Manager/Business Owner

I came home from work and listened to the call. I have felt calm through all of this Coronavirus situation; however, I must have been releasing more than I realized. I feel strong and calm even at work.

Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen, for all you are doing for the world. So amazing how this works for those that have been affected by the virus, so glad Laurie and her family are strong and well again.  My sleeping also seems to be getting better. I feel strong and alive! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Looking forward to the next call. Hugs to both sides,

Julie D.
Vitamin Specialist

The day after the call my WhatsApp finally spontaneously connected with my sister's WhatsApp, which was funny because I had been trying to add her to my contacts for a couple of weeks with no success. Yay for connection! Also, I made a new friend (this is big for me). A woman who happens to live a block away from where I'm living at the moment, we recognized each other but couldn't place the connection, turns out she and her husband were my landlords 30 years ago! Lots and lots of synchronicity happening for me. Emotionally all of that feels great!  

On a different note, before the call, I was being triggered all day by a male family member that makes me feel very uncomfortable about being a woman. After the call, I felt like the karma between us had shifted, I don't care in the same way about his opinion of me as before. I feel freer to use my voice

Kimberly B.

Another amazing call. Still on an endorphin high a day later, so I'm over the top emoting here. I am so calm and centered, I'm at Ground Zero Neutral. Can feel you strengthening this state for me since the April Bonus and March Monthly call and Lifestyle Mastery call. I am in a Zen state and loving every moment.    

Someone mentioned in the feedback that Kam's energy field is like a Bam clearing. Not the soft and gentle effect of Marnie that is just as effective, but so gentle. Wow, did I feel that on this call. No Fear Kam spoke and BAM, deleted it all in one motion. It was so strong and so unexpected that I gasped and laughed and relaxed all in one motion. Feeling that clearing was like nothing else. Nothing left to say. The two of you together combine your energy in an exponential level, as another feedbacker mentioned and I totally agree. Together, it's like kryptonite for any weakness in our bodies, home, community, country and world. Kung Fu Clearing! I am such a fan.  

I finally really get the Kung Fu reference after all this time and this call. Just keep listening to past, present, and future calls whenever you go weak again. Our issues are just flags of the type of weakness, they aren't the focus at all!  Our reflexes and confidence get stronger and faster and bolder each time we strengthen them and are able to hold longer over time. Soon they become natural reflexes without thought or effort, just a Bam to any threat or a gentle sweep for any unevenness. Love my Insight!

I've been flying at Hawk-Eye View at 40K feet and observing since March calls. My biggest ah-ha from this perspective is seeing a change happen in the World Mind and Spirit. It lifts my heart with joy and overwhelming RELIEF. Kam, Marnie, and all of us clearing for the world are making a difference. The Awakening is happening!!!    

The changes are happening everywhere and at every level.  

I feel protected that I will not be anywhere a virus is sitting, hovering, or moving in a breeze. I'll just make a detour around them wherever I am in public. The mass exit of thousands of people that were ready to leave reminds me of the TV show that just showed the last episode right when the virus showed up. The Good Place. I watched it happen and it was telling the story of a near future, with the mass entrance of thousands of people to a Gathering Place. The writers didn't know what to call it or figure out how to deal with it, it was neither Good Place or Bad Place, so eventually they just let the story tell itself through the characters.  And the show ended with everyone sorted and making their individual choices of when to leave the Gateway. I found it comforting and I hope all the loved ones of those who passed find their comfort as well.  And know their loved ones consciously stepped out of this life into that new adventure.  

Thanks Marnie and Kam. I'm off to surf my endorphin wave. Aloha!

MaeLou L.

I’d swear that no one is more devoted to their clients & members than you, Marnie! Thank you for last night’s spectacular bonus call AND for Dr. Yuen stepping in to enhance the benefits, probably logarithmically, with chi energy!   

The special event shifted me right out of the world pandemic panic energy, which happens to even be affecting indigenous tribes in the southern hemisphere. Whenever I think of the pandemic now, I automatically relate to it from the ‘bird’s eye’ view perspective that you spoke of last night and I’m totally connected to that ‘above it all’ realm which you raised us up to. It feels like strong causal & etheric plane connections. Anyway, it’s a great feeling.

Thank goodness that you told us about how you were temporarily affected by the energy of customers & workers in grocery stores because I was astonished to think that it could ever happen to me, but it did! Whenever I’d go food shopping (every 10 days), I’d come home and temporarily develop weird symptoms, like a runny or stuffed up nose or an odd throat issue and I’d wonder if I had contracted something while out, but then I’d dismiss the symptoms and they’d soon disappear. I finally stopped feeling nervous about shopping last week and now I’m totally anxiety-free about going anywhere. Thanks for these corrections!

Last night’s event also restored my neutrality, which, unfortunately, I lost on Monday when I got angry at an old guy when his big old dog got loose from him and went after a group of baby ducklings near a pond, with one already in his mouth! I didn’t care how decrepit and in sad shape the guy was, it seemed irresponsible and I screamed at him. Oops. As soon as it ended, I realized what I had done to my beautiful energy. For me, the feeling of losing that soothing, unflappable neutrality from a profoundly deep soul cleansing is like having mud splashed all over a beautiful new white outfit … waaah …  

It was great that you shared my ‘charmed life’ comment! I hope that it serves to encourage members to stay committed to the program and trust that corrections absolutely open up pathways to greater happiness as well as solve a whole array of problems. They need to see it, believe it, trust it. In fact, a picture of an umbrella being rained on flashed across my mind when I wrote those words! It’s the perfect metaphor for what corrections can do: they protect us when life rains down on us!  Marnie’s Monitoring Program is EXACTLY the kind of service that we’re getting!  So aptly put!!   

Update for my two April requests:  

1) Great news for the crunchy-sounding right thumb joint with tender surrounding soft tissue- both issues are corrected.  

 2) I’m happy to report that regarding the lower right molar tooth sensitivity, I can eat and drink painlessly without having to avoid the right side of my mouth.  
In closing, I LOVED that you ended the call with some of the best kick-ass powerful advice that I’ve heard in a long time --- Don’t let anyone psyche you out!  It’s been my new mantra!

You’re the BEST, Marnie! Keep up the great work!

Marta M.

Marnie, OMG, I missed the bonus call

I listened to it on Saturday morning. I haven’t had time to listen. I am blown away. It literally made me cry. You nailed all the issues that I see people experiencing, including my wife, friends, co-workers, mom, and my own issues.  

I woke up from a dream where I was being very negative to people. Some at work, weird people that don’t even work there. You know how dreams are - at one point, I heard my wife tell me, you need to take an anger management class. I said, who me? Then I realized that it was my higher-self saying I have some anger with all going on. I’m angry with all the confusion and misinformation in the world. Mainstream thinking and panic and how our world is being stopped over this over the top disease. Stupid gloves and masks that do little with the 60 seconds I walk into store. What drama queens.  

Everything you said was perfect and you sent over everything that is going on. I have to admit that I thought about leaving the club for a while because of the money. I have to support my brother-in-law for a while, and who knows if our jobs are permanent. After this call, I know I going to commit!!   

I’m so blessed to have my jobs, and the amount of feedback I get daily about how I saved the company and being there for everyone with my energy and knowledge.  

Thank you both - gig the call. I also learned a few tricks.

Randall D.
Information Technology

Both during and after the call, my perception completely shifted from fear of going to the store, being in the store, being around the people in the store, to feeling completely neutral about it.  

The morning after the call was the first morning in two months I didn’t wake up with a chronic hacking cough, I never even mentioned the cough, as I felt it was more seasonal allergies than the virus, but none the less very grateful it has been reduced almost entirely! Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen!

Stacey H.
Social Media Influencer/Model

First, a BIG THANK YOU for your PRESENCE with us, your true sincere dedication in our well-being and that of our family, your attention and the opportunity to be in collaboration with Dr. Kam Yuen.  

Marnie, you made ALL THE DIFFERENCE after the call with Laurie!  

This call was VERY IMPORTANT to increase the energy in the group. In PERFECT TIME. I feel quite well from the call.  

About the Coronavirus - thank you for the strength!!! I feel strong and calm. No fear. No effect from others.  

Thank you - I also felt my father, mother, and brother strong to the Coronavirus. I stayed happy. I feel their energy. No fear.

Also, my father has returned to work after 15 days at home.

He is totally well about the pain in his right leg bone. No pain, and the skin is good. Thank you for releasing the energy behind it! Happy for this!!!

Gratitude and Thank you for All!

I feel joy with you!!!

Thank you for creating this call with us!!!

Spiritual Consultations

During the call, I felt the need to upgrade my internal computer to operate at a faster and higher level. This made the need to sleep and reboot so strong I could not resist. As a result, I slept so deep!! The surprise is the amount of time was not nearly as long [speeding up recuperation].

Today after listening to the replay, I am more able to locate places I have shut down. If I don't get it - you do!

The beauty of your program is feeling I always have tools at my fingertips that I can use. Doing the dishes or driving or shopping, it does not matter, you are there, and I'm here doing the Yuen Work!!   Love it. Thank you for all you do and the training to help myself.

To all those beginning this journey, you are in for an experience like no other!

To be in a community of support and unconditional love as a place to grow is unbeatable!!!       

Love to all  

Judy W.

Thank you for the wonderful call about your friend Laurie’s father. It was so interesting to hear about a real-life situation in your personal life. I am re-reading your book, Delete Pain on the Spot, and you mention that same friend, Laurie, in the first couple of pages. You are indeed very genuine.  

I want to let you know that my lifelong anxiety about falling out with female friends and people turning against me has hugely abated in the past week, since I specifically asked you to clear it for me. This anxiety was holding me back as my energy was going down into a negative spiral. I now feel neutral towards whether people in my life acknowledge me or not and it’s no longer affecting me. I am able to just be when I meet people and the anxiety has gone of whether they liked me or not.  

Thank you so much. This is huge for me!  

I want to thank you for your help, and your generosity with these Coronavirus webinars.  

They are very beneficial throughout this fearful and anxious time.

Aine D.
Acupuncture Clinic Owner

This call had a very calming effect on me. Afterward, I was left with a very peaceful feeling for days and when I listened to it again.

I had noticed that before the call, when I went to the shops to do my grocery shopping, I was feeling exhausted and frustrated by the end of it. This is not normal for me. Since the call, I walk out of the supermarket feeling more level in my feelings.

Belle and I have been listening to the 4-minute activation, from the January call, every night before sleep. We have noticed that if we do not do this, our sinus problems are worse the next day.

Ashleigh D.
Stay at Home Mum

Every time I listen to a live call, I feel how much it strengthens me. There is so much energy, so much aliveness. it is absolutely tangible!! and every time I ask for help in-between calls, I definitely receive it and feel it, too. It's quite amazing!!

E. W.
Project Manager  

Such an amazing call... thank you! I yawned quite a bit during the call which I always do when I release/delete. I have been feeling very calm and peaceful, very content to stay in and safe distance. I think I really needed this 'opportunity' for self-care and the isolation certainly helps keep the world's energy at bay.  

I'm particularly aware of looking at the bird’s eye view and seeing the opportunity in whatever arises. Although I worry far less, it is my thoughts and concerns about my family that continue to challenge me, especially in the middle of the night. That being said, I feel much more resilient when I get triggered and can return to neutral far quicker. I really felt connected to everyone on the call... experienced oneness like never before. I can see many upsides to this pandemic... there's a huge opportunity for healing, and for that, I am living in gratitude. I'd like to work more on trusting my/other’s highest timeline... I still find myself wanting to control outcomes which I know is only my fear speaking. So many issues of grief have come up the past month... and then they are gone. I can't imagine how I would have managed all of this without you Marnie and Dr. Yuen... for that, I am eternally grateful.  

Much love,


A couple of days before the call, all of a sudden on my right foot, my toes that have been bothering me, felt much better. My lungs feel good (I have allergies and asthma), which is great. They have been clear and then they get tight again, but not enough that I need medication. This is great, too. I am happy to have more strengthening for not connecting to the world's mind. The energy is so strong, sometimes it is hard not to get sucked in. But my boundaries are strong!

Karen C.
Writer, Blogger, Photographer

Shoulder/neck/scapular/armpit pain has drastically improved.

Glendy Y.
Sound Healing, Energy Healing

I appreciate this extra call, the energy of the whole community, and the wonderful story about Laurie's father's recovery, the work that you and Dr. Yuen are doing for all of us, and especially for Christopher and me, is so important to us. Thank you so much!!  

My being part of this community has enabled me to keep going forward positively and keep advocating for Christopher over the last three years in my commitment to reversing his health condition and symptoms - it IS possible and WE WILL DO THIS! I will never, ever give up. My husband has always had my back (in a way my family never did), and I have his. We have been together for 38 years. We really appreciate Marnie Monitoring - thank you so much!

Caroline M.
Technical Sales

That was an amazing deletion!! I have a much clearer thought process to organize my new home and greater energy. I no longer have the financial worries I had prior, nor the uncertainty about my future finances. My neck, back and joints are much more flexible, as well.

Thank you so much Marnie and Dr. Yuen!

Erin B.
Human Services 

Thank you for your wonderful work, Marnie and Dr. Yuen.

I saw a video yesterday that my cousin posted on her FB page from Brazil of this woman beating her child. I felt this child’s pain, fear, panic, and hatred for the woman. It affected me deeply. It weakened me tremendously. I felt the corrections before the call. The corrections felt like an energy hug with a message of (stability) inside saying it will be OK, this will be OK. During the call, I felt huge relief, like a reset button. This morning I woke up from a deep restful sleep and the sights of the little girl came back to my mind. I started to delete my mind and empty my trash (touching my spine and deleting the trash). I realized I had to correct the revenge and hatred for the mother and clear the little girl’s whole family environment. I picture her (girl’s) midline throughout the call. Thank you for this opportunity to clear this trauma through me. Thank You! I love you dearly!

Inae K.

Last night I had severe vertigo when I was lying on my bed trying to fall asleep. It was short-lived which only lasted for 3-4 seconds. I got freaked out for a bit because that was why I sought Marnie’s help and joined her group more than a year ago (I was having vertigo and balance issues for no reason all the time and the doctor could not figure out why or were giving me different answers). Instead of going through the ordeal worrying about whether I would have to suffer for months with constant dizziness or vertigo again, I hit one of the activations, started strengthening and deleting the weakness within myself. I fell asleep shortly after and today when I woke up, I felt fine. Just a bit off balance, but I have no worries or concerns about that like I would have a year before. Having this method and support from Marnie is amazing because it is evident that I was able to handle the same situation very differently than I did a year ago. Instead of worrying whether there is something wrong with my body, I just perceive that as a weakness (or weaknesses) or issues that need my attention to work on.

Joyce Y.
Student Compliance Manager

My cervical hernia pain was gone half way through the activation!  

I feel neutral even if there's a lot going on right now, COVID-19 and not COVID-19 related.  

Sometimes I do fear about my near future because I work independently and my line of work will change drastically now, but your activations have really helped. I do have this sense of happiness and I feel really blessed for what I have in my life so quarantine won't mess that up.  

Love you Marnie, you're an ANGEL!!!!

Josefina A.

My neck felt a lot better during the call. I’d asked about my husband’s business which was due a very large payment from work completed in January. He received a check on Monday. The mail service has been really unreliable - looks like that was cleared as well!! Thank You!!

Haley M.
Artist, Light Worker  

I feel so much stronger since this call! I do not resonate with the Coronavirus or the world panic. I am more neutral regarding the associated financial setback, which was my biggest problem. I feel more open to new financial possibilities and solutions. Thank goodness, I can feel you working on me at different times throughout the week. What a relief it is! I am so glad that I became a member of this group. Who would have ever thought that a global pandemic would have upended all of our lives?

Dorothy B.
Massage Therapist

Wow, that was an awesome call - I could feel my molecules and atoms vibrating throughout the call.

So deeply grateful for all that you do, Marnie and Dr. Yuen. Feeling excited about life and being alive. I feel so deeply calm and whole in myself, very much detached from the outside frenzy and madness.

Typically it's rare for me to get ill or have aches and pains (it always shifts quickly if I do get any) - so when you ask about that and work through different issues people have sent in, I'm only somewhat interested and grateful for my health and general well-being - So now I'm wondering how my health and body can get any better, how much more vitality and aliveness can I have and experience. The only issues I can come up with are a temporary stiffness in my body when I've been sitting awhile or when I first get out of bed and my sinuses become a little stuffy. Which, again, how lucky am I?

I resonated with the shopping experience - I am very much aware that it's other peoples’ emotions and thoughts I'm picking up on (I think of it as being in other peoples' soup) - thankfully I have you and the Yuen Method, and finally remembered a few weeks back after I got back into my car from my grocery shop - I can clear and strengthen myself, I can change this on the spot! Thank you!

Another part of the call that struck me was when you talked about being made redundant/losing a job - I still have mine - yet when you said 'you never liked the job anyway', I grinned and laughed, which I always do when I hear something true for myself and others. So yep, I do not like my job - still smiling.

Thank you, Marnie!

Lorna C.

I feel calmer about my future and the future of humanity. I feel more hopeful about my finances and that I will find a way to cope with the challenges.  

Thank you both,

Boyana G.
Airport Supervisor

I am in awe at the fact that Zoom worked for me after months of not being able to connect due to poor internet in Egypt. The Universe has opened its doors for me.

Karen W.
Mum of 6

After every call, I do feel better, especially now.  Thank you so much Marnie!

Natalya F.
Sales Executive

A massive change physically in breathing and overall body energy, as at the time I had symptoms of a chest infection which was going around here at work. Also, a lot more productive at work as everything flowed with ease, which helps on the mental, emotional aspects of life.

Ray R.
Jumbo Operator

It was a great call, Marnie! I loved how you did it. I also love that upbeat energy. I was psyched. I started with Dr. Yuen almost 15 years ago. I have your book and I also did the workshop way back at the beginning when you joined with Dr. Yuen again. I have printouts of the triads, etc. Very, very useful! I felt great in the call, and afterward… very energized.

Joseph S.

During the call, I felt the ability to breathe more easily. And, I also experienced less anxiety, which has bothered me lately.  

I felt relaxed and happier. My body became more calm - I experienced a shaking and inner tremor several days before. 

Nadya S.

I was feeling neck and shoulder pain, depressed somewhat, and had not slept a good night of sleep in weeks. It was amazing that you mentioned on the call about someone being at Walmart. I never go to Walmart, and I so happened to go that very afternoon and was feeling all of those symptoms. It was totally related to that energy of being out there...OMG!!!!  

After the call, my neck and shoulder pain were gone!! I felt that I was in a better mood. And I slept like a baby. Boy, did I need that!! THANK YOU!!

Also, the ancestors who have passed on the issue came up. I was amazed!! And some of the questions that I always think about came up, like if my grandmother was treated well at the nursing home before passing on. AND the signs that she is there with me. There is this butterfly that visits me every time I think of her... And it stays on these weird spots or just flies in circles. It is not just a butterfly, lol. It’s her!! I have carried this burden that I didn't care for her in her late years because it really wasn't an option at the time. So, for that to come up was a great feeling!! THANK YOU!! You are so right - the energy never fails. It just comes up and I love it!

THANK YOU! I know I keep repeating this, but I am so thankful to my sister Inae K. to have put me in touch with you and the monthly calls. 

Jana F.
Care Giver

Before the April bonus call, I had severe back pain for which I normally would use an opioid for relief. But instead, I trusted the call would work, and it did! The severe pain was completely gone about a quarter into the call. THANK YOU. I felt many releases throughout the call expressed by several spontaneous deep breaths throughout the call.  

Since I joined your group less than 2 weeks prior to the call, my vitality significantly increased. Prior to this, at 5pm my body and brain pretty much shut down. I frequently would have to rest the whole day and it became hard to move, concentrate, or think. (I was much worse than this for the past 20 yrs. but have been improving.) Before joining you, I had an internal clock that refused to go to bed before midnight, usually staying up sometimes until 2am or longer. I told my fibromyalgia and pain doctor that I am now able to function throughout the day all the way into the evening and feel tired and ready for bed at the right time!

I was even able to vacuum for the first time in 18 years without a pain flair up and need for chiropractic adjustments. My doctor and I were both saying this is a miracle!

I studied with you and Dr. Yuen 20 years ago, went through most of your classes but the Lyme and co-infections took over. Since finding you again and signing up for your monthly classes, I have been listening to your daily self-strengthening and deletion activation every day. This, along with your daily strengthening and my past training with you, have enabled me to identify and delete or strengthen numerous issues. I was able to resolve a feeling of pressure, or a rope, around my lower diaphragm. The rope was contributing to a mid-back vertebra that has had chronic subluxation and twisting for over 30 years. I was able to identify and delete the stories which fixed the subluxation and the rope sensation (that used to be palpable) is gone! I’ve never been able to help those vertebrae and it used to take a very strong chiropractic manipulation to put it back into place. I’m feeling better than I have since I lost my ability to work 10 years ago!  
Thank you for giving me hope in my life again,

Joy E.

Before the call, I had some bowel movement and some discomfort in my intestines, as well as some flatulence. That improved during the call, although I was not feeling 100%. Nevertheless, it was gone in a couple of days.  

What was amazing to me was the energy I had. It was 2 AM when the call started and at first, I didn't know if I was going to be awake (even though I am a night owl and I usually go to bed around that time). Since I don't have to get up early during this lockdown to go to work, I wanted to be present for the importance of the call as well as the extra benefit. The thing is, I wasn't sleepy at all. I was quite alert, in fact. After the call, I carried on working on some planning for the school. I was fully awake and powered to continue doing things besides the time (I think the call ended at 3 something in the morning and I stayed up until around 4!!). I woke up fine the next morning, with the same energy.

During the call, I felt I was without concern or worry, light, calm, and neutral. No noise inside my head. It was wonderful. I felt Marnie´s words for change and action. I truly believe we can reverse anything, and I totally resonated with what she mentioned about our parents dying. Yes, we all have to die one day, but we don't have to suffer. I felt that my family and I are protected. My attitude towards my brother also changed. It doesn't mean I totally trust him. He is schizophrenic and is not careful with hygiene. Somehow, I am still careful with disinfecting areas we all touch (especially him). This is a daily routine. I am also careful when I come back from the supermarket by cleaning all the products I buy. Nevertheless, it seems different to me, I feel like I have to do it but it's not a burden anymore. It feels more like the right thing to do.

Rosa G.
Primary School Teacher

The calls are amazing, and they are so “bulls-eye on the target,” especially in aspects that sometimes one didn’t even know one had.

I’m always amazed how honest and real you are about your own journey, the story of your own health issue, and the latest story about most of your family being physicians.

It’s really incredible not just to listen, but to feel where you are coming from, and that’s the heart!

And we can really feel the Triple M (Marnie’s Monitoring Mode), special thanks for that as well,

A. Y.

I just want to let you know that I speak Spanish/English. I work in a medical clinic as an interpreter helping doctors to communicate with patients who do not speak English. I am looking for opening an opportunity at the same clinic to work as a Life Coach and use this method with the immigrant community. I spoke to my manager about it and she experienced the benefit of this method, but she said that I need to have a PhD, or to find a way to charge the insurance companies for these services. Working independent is overwhelming for me regarding the business part and administrative aspect of paperwork - especially the income to cover all my needs and my mother's needs, since I support her in all ways. The reason that I want to work for the clinic is because the clients are there, and there is so much need. I would like to make an impact in their lives. Listening to you inspired me.  

Gratitude and Blessings to you,

Debbie R. C.

My son got 100% on his math test! He mentioned he felt calmer and his anxiety was gone. I was amazed because I had asked you to work on him because he was really struggling with this subject for a long time. Thanks a million,

Adam F.

I am new to the program and I was able to feel the energy during the call.  

Thank you for your beautiful light!

Martine E.

Using the Yuen Method, I had success in helping a friend with a work situation. I did not tell her beforehand because she thinks I'm woo-woo, but the results impressed her as she knew nothing else that could have created the positive change in circumstances. Yippeee!

Monica W.
Corporate and Spiritual Work

When Marnie successfully helped Laurie's father come through the Coronavirus crisis, she demonstrated how exceptional she is as a Kung Fu Master predetermining Dr. Remer's future.  

I feel so fortunate to be in this group receiving energetic help from Marnie and Dr. Yuen at this challenging time. The call and the activations are so powerful with so much new information, especially relating to the Coronavirus.

As I listened, I felt calm, strong and neutral, resonating to the higher timeline.

Marnie's comment that our loved ones on the Other Side are angels ready to assist us is something I can attest to. Ever since my sister passed on January 30, I have felt her with me - her loving presence, her sparkling essence. It's the energy of joy, all-encompassing, no words are necessary!

When I walk into the grocery store, I energetically stay strong, clearing the environment, silently strengthening those who work there.

I disconnect from the mind and spirit of the collective influences and maintain neutrality.

After this time of cocooning the butterfly, I am ready to emerge with new ideas, preparing to be more adept with computer technology and presenting myself on Zoom, trusting my Higher Self to attract new things coming in!

Winifred W.
Agent of Change

May - Ultimate Rejuvenation - Ideal Body

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

During the call, I experienced a relief in the pain I had been having since last Friday on my lower back, left side. I was afraid this tension could persist and even worsen.

Andrea R.
Secretary, Counselor

I am really feeling more comfortable with my body. I had my blood and ultrasound exams and everything was OK, very happy about that! These last days I woke up with more energy, and I took gym and yoga classes! Thanks for the strength and activations. I will also begin a diet for detox and avoid foods that produce inflammation in my body!! I am on track!! Thanks,

Mariana G.

Don’t recall what I submitted! Felt a lot of dense heavy energy leaving, so I feel much lighter inside and out.

Suzanne S.
Roofing/Real Estate

So, we all have unrealized potential.
Turns out the more I participate in the Strengthening and Deletion Program, the more glimpses I get of just how energetically, mentally, and emotionally clear, and powerful I really am. And with the Lifestyle Mastery Class, I get to experience living with the aforementioned benefits for hours at a time! I am so excited! I know the more I experience these benefits, the more rooted they become in my nervous system. This will soon be my default setting for living!
Lots of Unconditional Love, Whoo Hoos, and Thank You!!!

Desiree D.

My May issue, itchiness on back of the head at neckline, was cleared before the call. A BIG THANK YOU for that.

Diana T.

I asked Marnie to work on my glaucoma. I feel an INCREASE in visual field and optic nerve seems 'freer'. Unheard of to have an improvement in a progressive degenerative disease like Glaucoma!

My eye tests went well! Glaucoma resulted in only a 1% visual field loss in a whole year! I want to reverse it of course, but 1% is rather good considering eye pressures have been high. Marnie worked to lower pressures and it worked! Left eye was down to 13 from 22 and right was 16. All normal range pressures now. No surgery necessary now!!!

Verna M.

This call was really interesting!! I'm often working on losing weight and the word MAINTAIN really struck me. I loved this. No more maintaining! Just being!! I was definitely not strong to this word and it was freeing to let it go. I was also recently with my mom for a couple days, who has food issues, and came home not feeling strong to food. After the call, I felt much more like myself and realized my stay with my mom brought in some weaknesses. I always love getting those aha moments from Marnie's calls. I really love being self-aware. And amazingly, in one call, the itching I was feeling on my body was miraculously gone. High five Marnie! Thank you for your amazing intuitive efforts!!

Ellen G.
Homemaker and Yoga Instructor

First of all, I have to say that my left hip is much better!!!

I’m looking forward to "double the CHI" for this next call and my issues. I feel much calmer about my finances and I have given up my accountant - that feels great!

Helena G.
Pilates instructor

Autoimmune deficiency, chronic fatigue.

I woke up on the day of the call feeling very supported on all levels and felt incredibly renewed, light and joyous during the call. I felt like my true self. My digestion improved and stayed improved. Food/Eating is more enjoyable, with no cravings for sugar. I noticed changes in my body image, though I can't pinpoint what they are specifically. So very grateful to you Marnie - for your commitment, enthusiasm, and expertise. Your calm presence and impeccable insight make all the difference!

Irina M.

I felt lighter and happier since the call. I’m more accepting of the need for surgery and feeling confident that I am being guided in the right direction for choosing surgeons, hospital, etc. I feel at peace and know the Universe is supporting me through this. Thank you, Dr. Yuen, and Marnie.

Jeanne W.
Holistic Nurse, Real Estate Investor

Wow, so much energy moving in this call. I could really feel big changes happening for everyone! I feel so energized when I connect to these calls and I’m feeling so neutral to what’s happening in the world, almost like it’s just a movie playing out before us and I’m even getting a little bored. Let’s change the channel together!

Jill H.
Builder and Real Estate Broker

Fantastic call. Digestion is getting better, which was my issue. I am continually listening to multiple activations daily. So, hard to choose. During the call, I requested at different times to be strengthened for high blood pressure in the chat. I had already made an appointment with a doctor that I followed up with, and by the time of my appointment, my blood pressure was normal. I even cut my blood pressure meds in half, but monitoring myself closely. AND I have even dropped a couple of pounds. Yippee!!!!! Thank you, Marnie!

Karen H.
Retired Massage Therapist

Hi! Wow! Marnie - you did it again! I submitted my questions before the call, and a day later I felt you making the corrections, and I knew you were hitting the mark right on! The next day, my pants literally fit differently, and I bet I lost more than two inches off my belly! Thank you BOTH - double dragons - deep appreciation and admiration, following on your path!

Kathryn B.
Sacred Artist

My submission was, I want to have/feel unconditional love and acceptance for my husband. I experienced emotional changes immediately when I made the intention to put this as my issue, I didn't actually submit it for a few days. However, I felt different towards my husband, immediately. The things that used to bother me, were not bothering me anymore. I felt much closer to him, the joy was coming back:)

Marnie, in answer to your question, “Do you feel me?” I say, Yes! I absolutely feel you!

How I feel towards my husband has changed to such a degree it's hard to put into words; but in a nutshell, it is unconditional love and ACCEPTANCE. Since making this my May issue, I feel very differently about myself.

I now know why your strengthening and deletion experiences end with, “I love and accept myself unconditionally”.

Since I met you just over 3 months ago, every aspect of my life has improved. Every one. My home does not bother me as it used to. Unconditional love and acceptance. The weather does not bother me as it did. Everything about living in my house that used to really, really bother me, does not anymore. As I realized this after returning home 3 weeks ago, it was a wonderful surprise.
Marnie, again, you strengthened me for some of my top weaknesses, probably more than I'm even consciously aware of yet!

And my daughter, though her competitions are on hold for now, is enjoying time with friends and improving her surfing, and being a teenager.

One more thing.

I'm editing a series of children's books, my first experience with that, and getting paid! This opportunity came to me effortlessly, dropped out of the sky. Learning the process so the next project may be my own!

Marnie, you are brilliant, I love you, thank you.

Kimberly B.

Update to the work you've been doing on the boundary issues that I've been having with my neighbors and the issues that my brother-in-law, Jim, was having with his sister taking money from their parents and the stress it has caused between him and my sister. My sister, Anne, and Jim seem to be doing a lot better, too! Jim’s sister, Liz, is cooperating with him again. Everything is on the upswing!

My neighbor’s surveyor must have agreed with my new survey plot because they notified me via text that the 20-ft. section of their fence that was encroaching on my property would be moved 3 inches onto their side of the property line to allow for the addition of a plastic barrier to the outside of their fence that they wanted to install.

Thank you for all of the assistance, Marnie! I’m sleeping much better now. We’ll try to stay out of trouble! XOXO

Marta M.
Retired for now

My 95-year old mother is still strong and healthy. A miracle to be negative for Coronavirus while being surrounded by it.

Big gratitude to Marnie and Dr. Yuen for keeping me and loved ones strong.

Mary R.
Musician and Feng Shui Consultant

Did not submit anything. But during the call I began to feel stronger and more energetic and by the end of the call I was full of energy and very motivated. After the call, I woke up feeling motivated and ready to go. Thank you for being so thorough and caring.

Patricia S
Gardener and Senior Aide

I had been concerned about pain, or discomfort on the sole of my left foot. During and after the call it went away, and I have not felt it since that time, except for a little bit the next day or so. That is a good relief, since we all go around a lot on our feet!

Peg C.
Volunteer - Citizens Climate Lobby

Overweight, reduced waist size nearly 4  sizes since middle May.

Scott M.
School Bus Driver

I had submitted about being neutral and strong to my dad Steve’s second cataract surgery (for the other eye) especially during all of the additional hoopla surrounding Coronavirus in a medical facility environment. Everything went great and I remained neutral!!!! My normal nature would have been freaking out with anxiety, but everything was great. Thank you, Marnie!

Stacey H.
Social Media Influencer, Model

My second eye surgery went perfectly thank you very much for your strengthening and support :-)

Steve H.

Strengthen shoulders and knees, and insomnia. I enjoyed the call and felt better overall, and I look forward to the new me.

Steven C.
Outdoor Work

Amazing call! So, beautiful when you speak about how the Beings on the other side can do amazing things for us. Now I start to feel this beautiful energy behind. Means many things are being released. I feel happily related to this to experience their support in a good and contributive way (before I felt opposition). Thank you, Marnie!

Spiritual Consultations

Hi Marnie, here is some feedback for my dad:

-Swelling in the feet are less

-Legs are becoming stronger when walking
-Breathing continues to be stable/consistent -but I just found out that my dad has used an inhaler for over a year
-Doctor's report says he has fragile alveoli
-He has agreed to give up his cigarettes

Thank you for everything you are doing Marnie,

Wayne M.
Wellness Consultant

As Marnie has remarked over the past few months things outside have slowed down. For me, things inside have slowed down, also. At the beginning of the lockdown, it was quite easy for me to spend so much time alone in my apartment. And the main avenue outside my apartment building has never been so quiet. As a goldsmith, I could spend hours at my workbench making jewelry, even sometimes forgetting to eat! Then as the lockdown continued, I noticed that I was snacking throughout the day - something that I rarely did before - and I was piling more food on my plate for dinner. I realized that I had put on weight especially around my belly. I became aware of self-judgment - subtle, but it was there!

Reading the PDF about the Ideal Body was a godsend!

I love to investigate and learn new things and with so much time to do that, the intensity of my thought is strong. I am especially aware of the fact that mental energy is converted into body mass. As Marnie says, it's never what you think, but I sense that mindfulness may be related to my issue of putting on weight. I deleted and strengthened for misinformation and negative life experiences.
I am listening to the call and to the activation daily and also to the 4-minute activation. I am strengthening my body to convert the mass into energy and my Physical Intelligence to support this conversion. I am staying centered, balanced, stable, neutral, and strong in my core.

I continue to experience more and more serendipitous synchronicities and maintain a strong connection to my Higher Security, loving and accepting myself unconditionally!

Winifred W.
Agent of Change

I've stopped holding my breath as much and breathing deeper with no glitches or blockages.

Laura T.

I feel more centered and calmer about making a move back to Canada after so many years here. My tremors are at an all-time low. I'm so grateful for that. Memory and thinking more clearly are much better.

Tarini B

My foot, that I think might be broken from a fall down the stairs 2 weeks ago, is doing much better ~ the bad bruising is almost all gone ~ still have some pain and swelling, but it has greatly reduced. I am avoiding going to the doctor, but I have definitely felt Marnie and Dr. Yuen fixing it up ~ Thank you so much!
Right before the call ended today (5/27/20), my youngest, (who I haven’t heard from for 2 weeks), called me and said he is still receiving unemployment payments from the state even though he's told them he has a job ~ they told him to continue filing because they are investigating the company that fired him ~ so he has been able to pay off some debts and get a better vehicle ~ so his financial situation has improved! And I also got to talk to my baby granddaughter and hear her say, “I love you!”

My special needs son finally received his stimulus payment today, so that's awesome!

I found $50 today ~ (I'm guessing my daughter hid it in my house when she came home for Christmas. Hoping to receive about $50,000 more to pay off my debts and move me and my son to a better, healthier place.

AND I also scored two 6 packs of Charmin toilet paper! Woohoo!!

So very grateful for Marnie Monitoring, strengthening and support!!

Love ya!

Cindy R.
Office Manager

I asked that you strengthen me to being open and receptive to change because there are so many changes coming my way. I sold my house (yahoo!) and got a really good price considering COVID-19 reduced the offers to nil and nobody wanted to risk coming into the house. Thank you for your ongoing support with the sale. I was very confident due to this and it happened! Please continue to strengthen me to be excited that all my dreams are coming true instead of thinking negatively about it. I just realized as I was writing this that there is no need to do this anymore. Deleting all negative thinking patterns and misinterpretation down to zero - infinity and strengthening me to 100% infinite potential. LOL, Amazing! Many thanks to you, Marnie, I feel blessed to have you in my life

Christie G.
Psychiatric Nurse

I remember having fun posting on the Live Zoom Chat, commenting to Marnie….to get her laughing.

And that swell of energy during and later from the call, elevated my mood. I have felt a lot more relief since the clearings you did for me over the Memorial Holiday weekend…and this subsequent monthly call. Like a 1 – 2 punch ;) I have actually thought about doing things for me, vs withholding the kind actions only to be given to another. Huge step. Also, the relationship I was so stressed about, is now going amazingly well. The curious part is I really AM a lot more neutral. OK if I do, OK if I don’t. It has also given me the strength to hold the line on my boundaries. Something I would have ‘caved in’ to do. The upshot is that this strength puts (any) relationship in perspective, as I do not allow ‘bad behavior’ just because I’m lonely. Sat June 13th will be the one year (anniversary) of my husband’s passing. I sure miss him, I’ve seen a lot in this year, and I realize even more what a gem he was ... even though he was a human-male ;) I need help (in getting back to working and laser focus on it…enjoying it and actually making money...large sums (as I have large sums in bills). Thanks again, Marnie!

Maria M.
COVID Captive

The call and activation have been very powerful. Prior to the call, I was feeling bloated and I had an issue of where weight gain was quick, even though nothing had changed in my eating habits. A few days before the call, all this was resolved. I felt back to my normal self. I greatly appreciated this! I have also noticed since this call, that if I eat something fatty, I do not get the post-fatty food meal slump or tiredness. I don’t eat much fatty food, not because I am watching how many calories I eat, but because it is not a favorite food of mine. However, every now and then I will get a craving for some fatty food, mainly hot chips. After I eat them, I used to get really tired about 30 minutes later. I would yawn a lot and feel overall sluggish. Not since this call!! I had some hot chips recently and I did not have an energy slump afterward. That’s cool!

I am not sure what else has been deleted this month but something big has shifted in my son. He is communicating more, joking around with us more and he appears to be more relaxed. I am loving this change. We are a tight-knit little family, but he has slowly been pulling away from the fun aspect of us. This is now changing. He is joking around with his sister a lot more and is just overall more talkative. When he is at school, the focus is all about knowing what you want to do for a career so that you can go to university once you finish school. To this point, he has had some ideas but nothing that was a strong feeling. We discuss this topic at home regularly and put no pressure on him to decide. He’s 16. At that age, I had no clue about my career and neither did his Dad.

Yesterday, he surprised me with the information that he is now thinking about applying for the Conservatorium of Music!! It has been discussed with him in the past but he always said no. So, for him to now be open to this possibility is fantastic. I wonder what else he will now be open and receptive to.

Ashleigh D
Stay at Home Mum

Loved the call... what really struck me was how weighted down I was with so many issues that you brought up...relationships, health, finances, worry, kids and grandchildren...really aware of cultivating trust in life. This week the pain in my knee is finally gone... thank you so much... I think all of the above was stuck in my joints and my body is holding on for dear life...letting go of worry and concerns is challenging...thank you for everything Marnie...knowing that you are in our lives means the world to me. XO,

Rayna L.

On the Wednesday call (which I listened to/participated in while still at work), I started to feel more relaxed and at ease during the call. And at home, less than two hours later, I had a large bowel movement, and another one the next morning and the evening of the day after, as well. (getting rid of a lot!)

On Thursday afternoon at work, things went much better with my boss the GM, working together to get a major rush quote done and out by evening. Whew!
And the night nurses at the SNF have been telling me that Christopher has been sleeping better the last several nights, for longer periods and quieter/calmer, much less calling out. And some days he's sounding more like himself (yes!)

Caroline M.

Technical Quoting

I specifically asked for agility and strength to teach ballet again. While stretching last week, I had an old familiar muscle pull resurface in my right buttocks and down my right hamstring muscle. Listening to this call, I resonated with many of the callers and felt a feeling of freedom and direction come over me. I did get some relief from my strained muscle.

Listening to the April 15th bonus deletion again, has really helped me feel empowered to move forward as well. I continue to try to stay neutral to allow the universe to bring me the opportunity to teach again and/or assist individuals in their homes. The Yuen Method has changed my life and I want to bring this assistance to as many individuals as possible. Thank you so much for all you do Marnie!

Erin B.

Wellness Consultant

People have been telling me I lost weight.
I see it a little bit and also have noticed my appetite has subsided.

Pedro X.

I felt many immediate changes physically as the call went on and other people’s pain matched mine, i.e., upper shoulder and neck pain and joint discomfort. I slept well after the call and woke up to a light heart and sang the day through. Much less worry about my income and trusting I was connected to the universal plan for me.

Inae K.

OMG Marnie! On May 17, my intuition told me, your eating will be taken care of, and so I changed my request from asking about overeating again just like last year, to asking about helping my fibromyalgia pain and sleep issue. I gave a couple of feedbacks to you and I know you worked on me because I got improvement in the pain and sleep problems.

One feedback was also regarding my husband and how I had for the first time really felt it and took in when he called me his beautiful wife. That body image issue was so deep. But this isn't the most amazing thing I wanted to tell you! Tonight is the third night in a row that I have had no desire to eat after dinner. It was even so bizarre to my mind! It is hard to explain this to people. Now I'm only having my cravings for food when I'm not hungry in the afternoons. But not as much as I used to. I also am feeling less of a need to control and have all these rules about diets and food. I have been a member of a 12-step program for compulsive overeating for 10 years. It helped me a lot but I could never successfully stop my food obsession, my eating cravings, my absolute primal need to have something in my mouth. This is why I am so completely blown away by the evening cravings just being GONE. This must be why I got that intuitive hit to just not ask about the eating and focus on asking you for something else! Your eating will be taken care of, indeed! I trusted and it worked. I will keep you updated if this lasts. Thank you so much, Marnie!! Lots of love,

Lori G.
Scientist  - California Air Resources

I don’t remember what I submitted, but as of last week I was wondering why I wasn’t craving sugar at night anymore and I listened to the call and realized you got rid of that for me!!! Thank you!!!

Alexis S.
Mom and Aspiring Author

Hey Marnie and Team - you guys are AWESOME!!! Thanks. I was having some issues with dizziness. I don't have it this morning. Also, I woke up and my eyes feel great. They were bothering me. I live in AZ and it's dusty and HOT here. I am a new member and I am so happy to be here. Thanks!! This was an awesome call. Marnie - you are amazing!!!! I can't wait for future calls. Thanks, again.

Faithe H. 

Spiritual Teacher

My weight loss had stalled.
The day of the call I started on a cleansing diet of fruits and vegetables and so far, have lost about 10lbs, halfway to my target weight.

Lorna C.

I feel lighter when it comes to food, which I needed.

Liz C.
Author and Illustrator

I had a bothering mental issue of feeling guilty for no reason about people I have disconnected from my past. I really wish to stop thinking and over-analyzing everything! I don’t wish to think about the past.

I feel much better now, after submitting the issue.

I was feeling unreasonably jealous of my fiancé's ex-wife. After I have submitted my issue, she and I met at the family’s gathering and almost became friends!

My transgender child made it to the next grade!!

Natalya F
High-End Jewelry Sales

I snoozed off during the correction. I felt so much better after the call. I was very constipated. I was able to go this morning and felt relieved. I feel lighter, and I feel optimistic. I love it that Marnie said, make your own rules, be patient, and no restrictions. I already have been watching my calories but eating very healthy nutritious foods. I am working on my mental well-being, also. I feel strong. Just a strength I haven't felt in years. The only different thing I did, was listened to that correction yesterday. Powerful STUFF!!! Thank you!!!! Feeling great!!

After the correction on finances, my finances have changed dramatically. From paycheck to paycheck, I now have a considerable amount saved up. We have struggled with finances for a long time, and ever since that correction, things have changed a whole lot. I can't express how grateful I am to this change. It has definitely helped me relax about money since I don't have to worry about how we will make the rent every month. I also have a teenage daughter who is autistic. She has been doing so well. I have been homeschooling since schools closed up. Her insight has improved and she is just on fire!! This makes me feel more comfortable about getting a better job in my profession once school starts. Who knows, I feel prosperous. I also would like to thank you and Dr. Yuen for the Coronavirus correction. We have been taking the right measures to be safe, but I also relaxed a bit when going grocery shopping. It was definitely hard to face the world when I needed to get out there with the stress of it all. That helped a whole lot. I am now ready to get this weight off. I am so sure it will work because these corrections are so powerful.

I am very thankful to my sister, Ina, for gifting me with this membership. This has helped us tremendously and I feel like there is a lot of prosperity in store for us.

Thanks so much, Marnie and Dr. Yuen!

Looking forward to listening to this Wednesday's call!!

Jana F.
Stay Home Mom

I experienced some strengthening in my leg muscles and arms.

Martine E.
Mental Health Counselor

I am thrilled to move forward in strength and vitality to THRIVE!

Renee B.
Director, Performing Arts Center

Constipation, healing problems.

At the beginning, I felt tired. During the call, I felt more energetic, and then I could not sleep because I had too much energy. Today, I feel good. And happy not feeling tired, even though I didn’t sleep.

Minerva N.
Flight Attendant / Aircraft Dispatcher

The question I submitted was about my weight, especially my thighs, and about 3 days before the call, I started feeling more self-love towards myself about my weight, and body image and improving. And during and after the call I felt lighter and more loving towards myself and striving for improvement towards myself.

Ebony R.

I don't remember my issue exactly. It may have been about breaking my foot.

I read the PDF document before the call and felt a tremendous sense of peace and well-being. During the call, I am always getting a stronger sense of who I am and how much more happiness I have in my life. This all is off the call's subject, but in addition, my daughter who has chronic mental and physical problems seems to be doing better overall. I am so grateful for Marnie, the Yuen Method, and all the wonderful benefits I and others get from it. It's like living on a cloud of joy at times!!! 


June - Ultimate Rejuvenation - 
Skin/Facial Rejuvenation

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

I felt relaxed during the call.

The dreams I've been having these last days are about reversing past family negative scenes: like being younger and being assertive enough in front of my mother so as to speak up the way I never did, and even being defended or backed up by my father, the way he never did: with him confronting my mother. I've also been having dreams about closure as regards to other relationships. The difference is that I'm not dreaming of the same frustrating situations as usual. Instead, I'm dreaming about the same people, but with good positive outcomes that feel very rewarding.

Andrea R.
Secretary, Counselor

Feels like the call definitely moved this relationship process forward, my tooth pain has quieted. I had a beautiful synergistic interaction with my dentist who continues to show me how caring they can be!

Kathryn B.
Sacred Artist

I submitted a request to improve my teeth and gums. During the call, I could feel deep deletions on several issues that were mentioned by other members that pertained to me, although I wasn’t consciously aware of these issues. A peacefulness and clarity came to me the next day as I listened to the recording.

Erin B.
Wellness Consultant

I asked for help in this big life transition ... losing my dear friend to cancer ... giving up all my things and relationship and moving to another country during a pandemic! I felt very connected to the bigger picture and to the love of my dear friend. Travels were odd and there was some anxiety, but it was manageable, and all went smoothly. I do feel very supported by this work and by Marnie ... I listened to the activation in the airport ... and on the plane rides.

Tarini B.

Good morning Marnie! The issue I submitted was for my daughter, Ruby. She has had acne on her face, back and shoulders. I am happy to tell you that her skin is looking beautiful, positively glowing! This began to change even before the call, a couple of days after submitting the issue to you. Every day her skin is getting clearer, smoother, and as I said, glowing! Thank you. She doesn't know about the call. I thought about suggesting she listen to the activation, for extra strength, but it appears that she doesn't need it!

Also, for a couple of days before this call, I was feeling a bit down, in a funk. Feeling much better today, rejuvenated. Inspired to listen to the activations more often and look at the news less. Thank you, Marnie, have a wonderful Friday!!

Kimberly B.

Double chin - I saw my chin was firmer, the skin wasn't drooping and neck lines softer. My cat is doing great! No more constipation and gaining back the weight - he got too skinny!

Lori C.

Great call! I felt my jaw area was tighter after the call. It looks like the wrinkles under my eyes are gone. Thank you.

Marisa C.

The live call was energy-producing for me! I went from being content to sit and listen to the entire call to being filled with so much energy that I was unable to sit still. I turned up the volume of the call so that I would not miss a thing that was being discussed while I was bouncing around my house cleaning, doing food preparation, and just all-round being productive. I have had energy increases from the live calls before but nothing like this!! I didn’t feel hyperactive, it was more like a strong, clear pure energy rush that lasted for hours.

One of my requests for this call was for the skin on my hands to not look so dry and aged. My hands have looked so much more aged compared to any other area on my body. Well … they did look more aged, not now though!! I noticed a difference on the same day that I submitted my request and then a week before the call I noticed an even bigger difference. Thank you!! Another request I had was for the lines on my forehead to not look so deep/pronounced. Belle did comment after the call that my cranky wrinkles as she calls them are not as noticeable. I know forehead lines are linked to expression, but I never knew my kids linked them to me being cranky, lol.
Well … if they would just do what I ask them to do the first time I ask it, I would never get cranky wrinkles, would I, lol.

Belle has been struggling these last 3 weeks. Her sore throat turned from being sore into infected so that meant antibiotics for her. Previously she has had bad reactions to antibiotics, but not this time. I remember you saying from the calls that you can make yourself strong to the medicine that you need to take. She and I both worked on that for her and she had no side effects from the antibiotics. Yay!! That is a massive breakthrough for us.

I have to say I have loved the past 3-4 weeks. Being able to purchase the Level 2 course has been a highlight. I have wanted to purchase that course for a long time so to finally be able to access it has been very enjoyable. Then, to be able to participate in the June Mastery call was something that I thoroughly enjoyed and I know I will go back and listen to often, as there is so much information in it and now so many things have clicked into place for me. I have had so many questions about things and now to have many of them answered is incredible. Belle and I have had a good giggle about the short activations that come with the Level 2 course. The first couple of times we listened to the Relationships and Finance activations, you go so fast that we struggled to keep up. We missed things you said and between us, we still could not get it right. However, after listening to the activations a few times, we have gotten it right, lol. The first few times we listened to it we spent more time giggling about missing things than getting it right.

Ashleigh D.
Stay at Home Mum

Hi Marnie, thanks for this call, it definitely helped me a lot. My blood pressure has gone down considerably and I noticed a more beautiful appearance on my face. Thank you so much for your beautiful work!!! 

Martine E.
Mental Health Counselor

The week prior to this call, I had been experiencing very difficult withdrawal symptoms from trying to get off opioids. During the same time, my uncle was dying and I was doing all I could to support the family. When the call with Marnie started, I recognized my body was in shock, as is its pattern when I experience challenging things in my life. I was amazed when Marnie was tuning in to us at the beginning of the call, how she identified and cleared away the shock and loss of a loved one. I strongly identified with almost everything she said when she tuned in to us as a group. Now several days later the shock has not returned.

During the call, I had a subtle feeling that my skin was tightening. After the call, my sinuses felt clearer. The next morning, the wrinkles around my lips had diminished significantly. Yesterday, my cousin said, “You are looking so much healthier and your skin even looks better!”

The issue I submitted was a large white rash under my tongue. I had been waking up with a foul taste in my mouth every morning for a long time, likely had to do with chronic jawbone and teeth infections as well as a rash and chronic jawbone and teeth infections. I also noticed the top of my tongue had a white toxic coating.

The morning after the call, the foul taste was gone! The rash didn’t look as intensely white as before. and the top of my tongue returned to a normal pink color. I’ve continued with these corrections and the bad taste has not returned.

I’ve been working with Marnie and all of you for about 3 months. The week prior to the call a different cousin said to me, “Over the past few months the sparkle to your eyes is returning and you look 10 years younger!

Joy E.
Registered Nurse

Feeling Strong vs. Weak. Feel more neutral about it. Less concern about getting the wrong answer. The call was relaxing for me, I think I nodded off for a moment here and there. I seemed to resonate with your words and corrections!

Robert F.

I have submitted a few issues before the June call.

One of which was that I felt so heavy and depressed about something that happened, I thought that awful feeling would never go away.

That’s not the first time I asked Marnie for help about numerous things. And there is no coincidence, I felt sooo relieved shortly after submitting!

Thank you, Marnie!

The jealousy I felt towards my ex-wife of my boyfriend who he has been married to for 23 years is almost gone, too!

I hope she finds her partner soon, too, and will be happy!

Natalya F.
High-End Jewelry Sales

I liked the call and that Marnie covered so many things. I'll be listening to the replays.

Shirley F.
Yuen Method Practitioner

Thank you so much for all the strengthenings.

Cristina G.

Waitress, Hotel Supervisor

The activation from the monthly call was SUPER powerful. Even before the call started, I felt both you and Dr. Yuen working on me. I was feeling drowsy and within minutes of the call starting, I was completely wiped out. I fell asleep for the entire two-hour activation and call. I woke up 1 minute before the end of the call! I don't think I have ever listened to such a powerful call. When you and Dr. Yuen are together, it really serves up a double whammy. 

Karina G

Hi Marnie, its Lori, Brad's wife.

Something has really improved over time - his low back pain. I see him do so many things he could not do for so long or he'd be in so much pain the next day. It's quite amazing!

Brad G.

Ari's psoriasis on his scalp has improved a lot. His lower back pain is improving this month as well, I had asked about that one a few months ago I believe. Thank you, Marnie!

Ari G.
High School Student

I had to wait until the replay to hear all of the call because I had my appointment with the eye specialist. Even though he found some blood in the eye with the floaters, there was no evidence of a retinal tear! Phew! So no need for emergency surgery, just advice to rest my eyes and minimize screen exposure until a re-check next week. I have listened twice to the recording and feel so much stronger. Eye strain is much less, and floaters are significantly faded. Still there, but no longer interfering with my eyesight. And I'm no longer worried about it getting worse. The spiritual and psychological aspects of eyesight that you talked about are very relevant to me. Taking back my power now. Safe to see and safe to be me! Thanks for being so on it, Marnie! Please continue to strengthen these aspects. Many blessings and gratitude to you and your team! xo

Christie G.
Psychiatric Nurse

Oh my god - I just ran 3 km without stopping! That is huge for me! I think it’s boring, but it went like a breeze. I haven’t thought it was fun to exercise for a long time but now maybe it’s turning around.

Helena G.
Pilates Instructor

Sweet Marnie! I have so much to report! First, for the first time, I have started listening to one or two of your activations almost every day, specifically the weight loss activation. Although I haven’t seen much movement on the scale, I feel better about myself, I have much more energy, I feel so much stronger to food and my clothes fit a little bit better every day. It’s the first time ever that I am allowing my physical intelligence to take over on a regular basis - no food restriction, no diets, just deleting my mind and spirit, and allowing my physical intelligence to take over.

A couple of days before the facial rejuvenation activation I had a conversation with my mom. She said she saw a pic of herself when she was around 50 (my age!) and was surprised at how beautiful she looked. I asked her if she thought she was beautiful back then and she said no. Sometime after this conversation, I was looking at myself in the mirror and I saw a difference. There was a purity I hadn’t seen before. Maybe I looked the same to others, maybe not. But the important thing was that I saw my beauty which I hadn’t seen in a while. I had forgotten that our facial rejuvenation call was coming up. After the call, I realized the synchronicity and knew you had your hand in this!!

The one piece that I have found so incredibly useful was deleting my mind and spirit. Like many others, I am always in conversation in my mind and I know I can sabotage my efforts without meaning to. I delete my mind and spirit all the time now! I delete out my husband’s mind and spirit every night and morning. I delete out my neighbor’s mind and spirit and the world’s mind and spirit. It is very intense out there but I feel sovereign, separate, independent, and neutral! If I have an itch or discomfort in my body, I delete my mind and spirit from that place and I feel better! Once I began deleting my mind and spirit from my weight loss process, I felt completely different and the scale began to move. Amazing! My relationship with my husband is stronger and I don’t feel triggered by his challenges, I feel like I’m in a space where I can strengthen him.

This past month has been so enlightening for me. I’ve been in your call club for quite a while, but I feel like I am finally taking advantage of your activations in a new way. And deleting my mind and spirit has been a game-changer. Thank you!!!

Ellen G.
Homemaker, Yoga Instructor

My second eye surgery went perfectly thank you very much for your strengthening and support :-)

Steve H.

I was concerned about a double chin and I feel the area tightening and rejuvenating already! Thank you so much for all that you do!Strengthen shoulders and knees, and insomnia. I enjoyed the call and felt better overall, and I look forward to the new me.

Stacey H.
Social Media Influencer - Model

I asked for corrections for my sister who is really suffering from anger (rage really) and depression from everything happening with the coronavirus and the financial devastation to her business. The day after the call, I was able to take her to my Mom’s and she accepted love and money from her!! That was a very big deal on both counts! She is promoting her business like crazy and got a few new customers and many old customers back. Thank you for taking such great care of me and my family!!! Hugs,

Leah H.
Youth Outreach School

Loved the call as always. I get so many insights from these calls and really enjoy re-listening to them afterward. 

Jill H.
Builder and Real Estate Broker

I actually did not submit an issue this time, but I still felt you working on me. My headaches got better, and blood pressure and palpitations are normal most days. All that started with preeclampsia 37 years ago and the doctors said I would always have palpitations and high blood pressure problems. 

Immediately during the call, my ankles adjusted. They have been swollen on the lateral side and that has improved slightly. And my vision is amazingly clear. I am so grateful! Thank you, Marnie.

And I love that I continue to learn from you, Marnie. Appreciate you so much. Thank you

Karen H.
Retired Massage Therapist

After the call, the acne on my face cleared up!

Kristin K.
Speech and Language Pathologist

My husband is feeling better and I am feeling better today. I have been listening to the Mastery call from May on ultimate rejuvenation and woke up so much better. Listening today again and I feel so much more energy. What an amazing call. Thank you.

Inae K.


My skin is very sensitive, several surgeries relating to the symptom called skin cancer on face, as well.

I listen to the replay for skin and facial rejuvenation regularly every day and have the feeling my skin feels and looks fresher.

Although I am, regarding the numbers, of 69 age old, I feel much younger and get many complements regarding my appearance. This Motivates me even more to confirm my changing the old paradigm regarding aging and appearance.

Many thanks to Dr. Yuen and you Marnie for giving me this opportunity.

Cindy R.
Office Manager

I asked that you strengthen me to being open and receptive to change because there are so many changes coming my way. I sold my house (yahoo!) and got a really good price considering COVID-19 reduced the offers to nil and nobody wanted to risk coming into the house. Thank you for your ongoing support with the sale. I was very confident due to this and it happened! Please continue to strengthen me to be excited that all my dreams are coming true instead of thinking negatively about it. I just realized as I was writing this that there is no need to do this anymore. Deleting all negative thinking patterns and misinterpretation down to zero - infinity and strengthening me to 100% infinite potential. LOL, Amazing! Many thanks to you, Marnie, I feel blessed to have you in my life.

Maja K.

Tick bite. After the call, the bite started itching a little again but stopped after a few days. Seems fine now. I do not listen to the live calls, 2 am is too late. A few days ago, I listened to the replay. It was as if you were talking to me, addressing the things that I experience vehemently since I moved out of a 36-year relationship one and a half years ago and even more since my daughter moved out (it was a good time for her). Depression, extreme loneliness, regret, fear, jealousy, unprotected hopelessness ... resistance to letting go, so many emotions stuck in my system. Social distancing, not being allowed to work, financial insecurity. You addressed them all. Thank you so much, the call helped. I felt noticed and a bit taken care of. You are great. You have so much power and enthusiasm.

Silvia L.
Organic Kitchen Manager

Thanks for another amazing call, Marnie. During the live call I laid down on the couch and relaxed so deeply that I fell asleep for most of it. I listened again today and discovered you’d strengthened me for lots of unsubmitted and submitted requests, especially a weakened urine stream. It gets strong and then weak, and as you said, it is connected to nerves, which makes sense. 

After hearing the call today, I am clearing for nerve pain throughout the body, stomach, digestion, holding on to weight in that area, and anywhere else. Is there a connection to Nerve Gas, too? Just connecting to the detox of petrochemical that went so deep, it was surprising. Thanks for deleting the shock response to hearing surprising news, too. That one went so deep I can still feel the ripples working outwards.

Another layer gone, another one bites the dust! The vortex -vacuum created by deleting old weaknesses from ancestral, karmic, past lives, continues to pull me into a higher perspective. Every day is a new adventure! My responses are staying more neutral, a big difference.

This past week focused on computer upgrades, which I relate to my internal upgrades. Everything came to a temporary halt due to extremely slow wifi in the house. Would you check my speed figure and related figures? Resistance to moving forward, or what?

I spent 3 freaking days on the phone with India Help Center for Dell. Nothing worked. The young lady at Tech Desk asked a couple of questions and diagnosed the problem immediately. Slow wifi at home will hang any large upgrades. She installed it in ten minutes and said I can bring it back anytime I need a faster network, no charge. Holy Moly. It felt like I’d met Marnie at the store tech desk! LOL. Snap, and delete the problem. I went home, got the other laptop, and brought it back, where she downloaded the upgrade to that one, too (only a week old).

I tested the microphone yesterday and what do you know, neither worked on either computer. I woke up today with an idea to test the mic in the camera video and when no sound recorded, a debug link came up that took me to a setup page I hadn’t found. Many of the options were turned off, so I turned them all on, tested the mic on video again, and what do you know, it worked! Tested an older computer and went to the same app page and turned on all the options, and that mic now works too! I bought a new set of earbuds just in case and found a pair priced at 75% off. LOL Being heard is being sorted out!

Getting the right information is so critical. I didn’t get nearly as angry/frustrated like I used to. I just insisted that I get the right information. Answers were slower response than I liked, but I did get there and found a good workaround and solution for both computer problems! That is a huge improvement.

Thanks! Love how this works on anything.

MaeLou L.

Dear Marnie, I’ve just listened to your call twice. You are such a volcanic energy!!! Thank you so much to you and Dr. Yuen!

Rita L.

I really appreciate the call and felt like it hit on very deep weaknesses. I never met my biological father and when he died of cancer in 2012, I did not grieve. What you were saying resonated with me. Thank you, Marnie, and Dr. Yuen.

Charlene L.


Getting my unemployment application approved. It was pending for two months.

Results: I got it approved!

Junette L.

Thank you for all, Marnie! And thank the presence also of Dr. Kam Yuen. I felt the energy strong in my upper back and also what you were saying 10 minutes before the call started!

Thank you, Marnie! Thank you for your PRESENCE and STRENGTH!!!


Spiritual Consultations

It was soooo cooool, as I could actually feel my skin tightening during the activation, especially upper eyelids.

Verna M.

Thank you for your call Marnie and thank you for keeping us safe from the coronavirus.

Theresa M. 

Question was darkness under eyes. The darkness under my eyes that has been there for years is softening. The dry skin on my feet is melting away. It's like I can see my feet for the first time in years. Thanks so much!

Ken M.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Admin

Just a short followup:

My skin is looking great! Arms, legs, face all look hydrated, supple (not thin/crepey).

Tennis partners are playing well when partnered with me (I don't cause them to play poorly). I'm feeling less resistant about donning a mask in stores out of respect for the employees. Resistance to going to bed early (by midnight) is gone, yay! I needed to do this years ago but was unable to have the discipline.

Marta M.

Retired for now ...

My issue for the call was TMJ. Listening to the replay has me connect the dots of the jaw pain to what's going on in my life. What I realized today while listening again is that the issues I may not recognize from my present life may have been from past, karma, and/or family past lives and/or karma. So, when Marnie says it's never what you think it is, just go with that, delete your mind and do the strengthening and activations and trust that stuff is getting cleared, on many levels, even if you can't possibly know what is getting cleaner! I give up needing to know! Thank You for doing this amazing, life-changing work for us, and for the happiness of the world. Much Love To All!!

Haley M.
Artist and Light Worker

Thank you for an incredible call, Marnie! I felt renewed, supported, protected - and emotionally calm and elated, during the call. My favorite part about writing feedback is that a wonderful energy of joy begins to emanate as soon as I press the send button.

Irina M.

Flexibility. I have been experiencing opportunities to test my 'flexibility' in emotional reactions ... and actually have been able to be calmer and less reactive!!

Maria M.
COVID-19 Captive

uring our June monthly call, Marnie encouraged us all to be going to our needed medical appointments. I called and scheduled my mammogram, which had been postponed from March 30. This is something I have been afraid to do, and now, while still afraid, I have the courage to go on July 2 at 2:30.

Please correct my left breast tissue to be healthy and normal.

Update 7-8: Yahoo!!

Here are my mammogram results:

There are no suspicious masses, grouped calcifications, or focal distortions. Previously demonstrated left breast cyst does not reliably persist.

The appearance of the mammogram is stable when compared with prior examinations, allowing for technical differences. 

I am so grateful to all of you and I am also so relieved. I want to keep correcting so that nothing negative gets stored in my left breast! But for now, today is a victory!

In love and appreciation,

Mary R.
Musician, Feng Shui Consultant

I really learned a lot on this call about applying the Yuen Method to benefit others. Also had a lot of past things come up and then just passed on. Clearing things out, I think. I feel so much more focused and centered than I have in a while. Thank you for giving us the experience of this Method in action. On the Spot!

Patricia S.
Work From Home Gardener

Hi Marnie, I feel that so many things have been helped since I started doing the monthly calls with you. My fear of the dentists has almost completely gone away.

Joseph S.

Overall, I'm feeling stronger every day. My blood pressure is very good. Thanks.

Diana T.

As I listened to the call, I was yawning my way through it and I felt Marnie's Chi blast! And each time I listen to the call I still find myself yawning! Many years ago, when I was being guided to release and clear energies during workshops, yawning or crying was often the expression of that process. Marnie's call was deleting and strengthening on such deep levels - not just on skin issues but also on vision, dental, hair, scalp, veins, as well as life experiences and karma! So amazing!

Before the lockdown when I visited friends, their comments were always complimentary, telling me how well and young I looked. For me, this is evidence of how beneficial it has been working with Marnie over the past 3 years. I have no aches or pains and my skin on my body is clear of rashes and skin tags. I notice that the skin on my throat and under my chin is tighter. I am focusing on getting rid of wrinkles on my cheeks and, since the lockdown, this is where I see a change. My hair is no longer falling out, although I did not mention that as an issue. When I was a child my mother used to rinse my scalp with turpentine to get rid of dandruff, but it is something I still have to deal with. Continuing to listen to the June call will help delete the trauma and karma relating to this.

I started wearing glasses when I was eleven and had an operation when I was sixteen to correct my right eye that had turned in. All was stable until about 10 years ago when I developed cataracts - the one in the right eye being denser than the left. Marnie's comment to delete the mind from the optic center and the effects of being blind-sided was an eye-opener!!

My teeth have been the focus of my attention since 2014 when a front tooth broke off. I have had issues with this ever since. About a month ago I lost the partial and then the tooth next to that broke off. So. because of the lockdown and the July 4th holiday I'm still waiting for the new partial with two front teeth! I deleted the karma with my dentist, who when she first met me said, I'm treating you like my mother because you're the same age as her!?!

I'm staying in neutrality and deleting my mind and spirit from the effects of the lockdown.

I declare I am strong to my higher timeline.

I am so grateful for Marnie's enthusiasm and high energy during this powerful and comprehensive call - off the charts! - as she expressed her unconditional love for us all!

And I thank Dr. Yuen and Chris and Joann also for their help and support at this time.

Winifred W.

Agent of Change

The call last night was powerful! I will listen to it many times to receive the full impact as I was resonating with several issues and am grateful for the energy everyone (Marnie, Dr. Yuen, your teams, and all members) brought to the experience.

Tears of grief from my parents' deaths flowed and I had not recognized how their passing had affected my ability to take a deep breath. I can breathe more deeply now, and I had not submitted that as an issue.

I am deeply grateful that the trigeminal pain and associated fear from prior months' issues are gone. I feel like I have a new lease on life.

Thank you and bless you for the love and commitment you demonstrate.

With love,

Monica W.

Energetic Healing

You always ask us to write to you about our breakthroughs after the call. I had a major insight this morning. I now truly understand that so-called misbehavior is derived from weakness. Traditionally we have been taught to respond to misbehavior via punishment, sacrifice, struggle, aligning/agreeing, or resisting/reacting. These methods, while widely used, are likely to result in greater conflict and karma, essentially adding energy to the issue. I feel that strengthening children, as opposed to punishing them, will greatly improve home and school life. I can also see how applying the Yuen Method to weaknesses associated with police brutality, racial inequality, and the collective's response to it all would greatly enhance and improve the planet.

Kristen W.

ESL Instructor

I have listened to this call many times. The clearings you address before the meditation are amazing. Every time those points are touched, I feel a new level dissolve! The clarity of the meditation really comes through and there is space and safety to let go of even more stuff. The more I let go, I find my insight is getting clearer and I hold neutrality longer and stronger.

The 4th of July was great fun, Wyoming fireworks are huge!! and blowing up a watermelon is an art form! Everyone enjoyed the time (3 days). If I felt or saw any block come up, delete and strong were right there to raise the energy!!

I do need some help - I think I sunburned my eyes - there is a red circle in each eye. I thought it would go away by now but there is no change. Sunny days and 6 hours of fireworks on the farm, I'm guessing.

I want you to know your info is sinking in!! 'Aha's' to all,

Judy W.


Thank you so much again for another amazing call! The calls are just building on top of each other in terms of strength, when you think that that's it, the most powerful call ever, another comes along to remind you that there is no end or limits to the strengthening.

In the time zone that we live, the calls are at 1:00 a.m. and it was so funny because I usually sleep early but I woke up precisely at 1:00 am at the time of the call and was able to taste it live, which I always enjoy more.

The level of excitement and enthusiasm of calls has just been amazing, so much freedom in what is said and the breaking down of the limiting believes just by strengthening. It's been 3 years, but it still amazes me. The simplicity of it but at the same time the depth.

Still a huge thank you to all of you who are involved in making this possible, what a team. Adding to this, Dr. Yuen, silently with his strong and skillful Qi. It's impossible not to notice.

Pedro X.

I asked to work on the dark circles around my eyes and I think as soon as I submitted the issue, I sold something online the next day. Funny this is always a sign to me that something within me just shifted. I think this is also a good reminder that we always think the thing we focus on or get bothered by, is actually not our first weakness. Time to get my insight and feeling strong again to figure out the priorities in my work!

Joyce Y.

Compliance Manager

July- Making the Best Decisions

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

I felt relaxed during the call.

The dreams I've been having these last days are about reversing past family negative scenes: like being younger and being assertive enough in front of my mother so as to speak up the way I never did, and even being defended or backed up by my father, the way he never did: with him confronting my mother. I've also been having dreams about closure as regards to other relationships. The difference is that I'm not dreaming of the same frustrating situations as usual. Instead, I'm dreaming about the same people, but with good positive outcomes that feel very rewarding.

Andrea R.
Secretary, Counselor

Feels like the call definitely moved this relationship process forward, my tooth pain has quieted. I had a beautiful synergistic interaction with my dentist who continues to show me how caring they can be!

Kathryn B.
Sacred Artist

I submitted a request to improve my teeth and gums. During the call, I could feel deep deletions on several issues that were mentioned by other members that pertained to me, although I wasn’t consciously aware of these issues. A peacefulness and clarity came to me the next day as I listened to the recording.

Erin B.
Wellness Consultant/ Ballet Teacher

I asked for help in this big life transition ... losing my dear friend to cancer ... giving up all my things and relationship and moving to another country during a pandemic! I felt very connected to the bigger picture and to the love of my dear friend. Travels were odd and there was some anxiety, but it was manageable, and all went smoothly. I do feel very supported by this work and by Marnie ... I listened to the activation in the airport ... and on the plane rides.

Tarini B.

Awesome topic. Thanks to you and Dr. Yuen for all the processing and ongoing adjustments!

Holly A.
Art, Design, and Psychology

I'm earning far more than I spend. I'm not used to not struggling with money so this new scenario creates some tension in me, as if I had a delicate valuable thing in my hands: I don't want it to break or cease to exist. I want to make the best decisions in order to make it grow and keep it flowing in.

I'm blown away: I was about to tell you that just a week before July's call, (a) I suddenly realized that my savings were enough so as to give the down payment to buy a new apartment (it's still under construction); and (b) that I came across a new career opportunity which I took and I'm thrilled about it. I love the mission, the vision and the values entailed. It's an INDEPENDENT activity, almost like a Franchising, which I can start little by little as I keep my current job as an assistant. I feel this is the right path for my personal, professional, and financial development, the true path I'd been looking for, for so long, and with great potential earnings!
EXACTLY what I had requested!!!

Andrea A.
Counselor, Healing Facilitator

My question was about more security in my finances, however since that request I have had a wonderful job practically land in my lap. The person I support is wonderful and the people surrounding her are some of the best I’ve ever met. Plus, it’s the highest pay I’ve ever received for my work. The issues brought up on the call really resonated with me and reinforced my decision-making skills. I feel much more confident in that the right answer resonates with any decision I make. Such a good’s that feeling of everything is well, no worries...and I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I truly felt this way. I am so grateful and blessed to be part of this fantastic group!

Erin B.
Wellness Consultant

I have to say the move to Canada went as soon as it could have…and I found myself a really ideal apartment on the same day I arrived! That was divine magic or Marnie magic! I have been meeting the right people at the right time. My tremors are milder…we have come a long way with that!
Thank you, Marnie!

Tarini B.

Hi Marnie, the issue I submitted was regarding my daughter's bloated stomach symptom. After about three weeks straight of experiencing uncomfortable bloating, it is gone. The morning after this call aired, she woke up for the first time in weeks not bloated! Thank you so much!

I'm writing this feedback 9 days after the call aired, (I just listened to the replay), and how right you are about timing and the universe giving us what we need when we need it. 

Kimberly B.

Hi Marnie! Loved both July calls so much, sooo helpful. I feel these calls are helping me align with my true self so I shift direction, increase my potential, perception, and direct me to create an extraordinary life. Keep doing what you do best!

Frixos C.
Spirituality, Healing Sessions

Great call. I have much more energy. I have been listening to the activations every day. My health is so much better. My under eyes are better.

Marisa C.

Where do I start with this feedback? So much is going on at the moment.
I will start with the call. It was fantastic! I can see why this month is your favorite. I listen to the activation every night as I am going to sleep. I remember one night I asked the question of how do I help Belle more. I feel like I need more guidance where she is concerned at the moment. It is awful to see her so sick, tired and not her happy, bouncy self. I received an answer the next morning and it was spot on! The answer was more learning and it came with the strong feeling of needing to re-listen to the Level 2 Intensive Course call on Rejuvenation. I got some fantastic nuggets of information that helped not only Belle but other family members as well. The more I listen to it, the more I hear. I know the recording stays the same but what I pick up from it is different each time I listen to it. I have a notebook that I write down things in that I hear on the call and it is getting quite full of information!

Something else interesting is that I started de-cluttering 2 weeks before the call! You talked about it on the call and I have still been going strong with this. It feels great to do it!

I also have something interesting to report about Dr. Yuen’s message for members. When I listened to it the first time, all my birds started singing! The ones who do not sing were chattering away happily! When his message ended, they all settled down again. Prior to the call, they were all happy but being quiet. That was something awesome to see and hear.

Ashleigh D.
Stay at home Mum

I have improved my ability to do the method since the call.

Pete E.

I don't remember exactly what personal issues I submitted before the call, however, I tend to get things done now more than ever. Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen, for your powerful work!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

Martine E.

Mental Health Counselor

My question had to do with fulfilling my purpose. While listening to the call, I realized how being clear with my day-to-day decisions is most important because each decision leads me closer or further away from fulfillment on all levels. I am noticing changes in my day-to-day decisions being healthier. Less TV. Still wishing to draw in the right people to support me and creativity. Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen.

Joy E.

Hi Marnie and Dr. Yuen, I realized that a lot of my issues have been solved!!! Thank you! Thank You!!

My first call with you was back in January about relationships. To start off with, I had a big issue with my husband's family members. I really didn't feel welcomed by them. I felt a lot of resentment towards them ever since I met them 25 yrs. ago. My husband has a big family and every weekend there was a family gathering that I felt I had to attend even though I didn't feel good about it. So, I felt pretty bad for a long time and felt trapped. I didn't know how to fix it and felt very consumed for years with this whole ordeal.

Well, then the Coronavirus came along, and I know that there are a lot of bad things happening to a lot of people, which is not good, but for me, the pandemic has changed my life for the better in so many ways. The whole isolation with the pandemic has helped so much, like I said there was no time to ever be alone with my husband and daughter. This separation has made us so much closer and has given us that time that we so much needed. The other issue was the nonstop negative thoughts of the family members. That was so hard for me. Those thoughts no longer exist. I even feel and wish them only good things. The one sister-in-law who seemed to really dislike me (to say the least) came over to drop off a very generous gift and a really heartfelt card for my birthday, like out of the blue!! I was completely surprised, or shocked maybe!! This did not happen for 25 yrs., OMG!! It's not only about the nice gesture but about the 360-degree turn that it took place!! So anyway, just feeling grounded and neutral, and really happy not to have those negative feelings and thoughts. It has improved my life tremendously! I can't even put this into words. A huge weight off of my shoulders to say the least. So naturally, all these improvements have changed my life with my husband. I am feeling pretty strong in our relationship. I no longer feel unstable and trapped. So, yay!

Another relationship that was super draining, was the one with my mother. I never wrote about that because I was so consumed by the whole family ordeal with my husband's family that I didn't have time to think about how to fix the relationship with my mother. But it happened naturally, and I feel neutral and strong about putting boundaries with my mom. I was never able to do it without feeling guilty. SO, another MAJOR breakthrough in my life!! My relationship with her was very toxic. I'd rather not even go into details because all it matters is that has been fixed for me. I feel good inside. And I know that the Universe supports me.

Also, I have mentioned to you previously about how my finances have changed for the better. In the midst of a pandemic, I was actually able to save money. This never happened for as long as I have lived!! So that has definitely manifested as well after the finances call.

The weight has been a big part of my issues, and I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel strong that I will. So, can't wait to give you feedback on that when it manifests. I am feeling lighter and lighter as time goes by regardless of the number on the scale. I don't even weigh in like I used to.

Every month, each call gets me closer to feeling better and better. I truly appreciate you and Dr. Yuen. And this last call, OMG!! You nailed so many issues, that I can't even explain. I never wrote to you about the need to feng shui and the spirits in this house. I have actually been feeling an energy that is not good and won't let me sleep. It literally turns on alarms in the house that have not been active for over 20 yrs. It has been hard and I feel afraid of it, so weird. But I know that it will be taken care of. I will be listening to the activation before bedtime and pretty soon this will no longer bother me. I will keep you posted on it.

You also mentioned in the call about the negativity of people who lived here prior to me. It just so happens that my sister-in-law, yes, the one, lived here for 14 years, OMG!! So, I felt that the clearing of this space was much needed. You picked up on all of it. It was an amazing call!! Thanks so much!! Big heartfelt hug to all of you!! Thank you!!

Jana F.
Stay-At-Home Mom

Hi, Marnie!! I have been busy with work, home, which is why I “disappeared”, but I am back! I handed in most of my tax papers and I feel more relaxed. I did a course in July of e-commerce and network such as FB, Instagram, etc. and I began to do my fan page and website of my property rental project. Happy about that. Enrique is doing great financially here in Salta. He is very happy too. Thanks for that! I think coming to Salta was the best choice, especially for the kids. Thanks for everything Marnie, for send us strength and good energy!!!!

Mariana G.

I had asked to relieve karma and emotional trauma around the loss of my friend who died in a car accident when I was 17. Even before the call, I had felt so different, my heavy sadness lifted, and I was no longer dreading--the day of his death and fear that these 17-year cycle karmas would follow me and my son have evaporated from my soul, almost completely. I still have some fears that as my son approaches his 17th birthday in November, and he will be getting his driver's license, there could be another loss. But it is not so heavy as it used to be! Thank you very much Marnie. I have been trying to work on this issue (and its related aspects and experiences) for years, and you have taken me to some of the deepest layers and cleared the pathway.

Lori G.
Scientist and Acupuncturist

Ari has had some improvement on his irritable bowel/abdominal migraine food sensitivities Thank you Marnie, my intuition and Ari's are growing and developing more and we're tuning in to the right answers.

Ari G.
High School Student

This is Lori, Jayden's mom, and I had asked regarding Jayden feeling very socially isolated and wanting a best friend. Today he told me he's not feeling so depressed anymore, and he is feeling more connected to his friends that he plays online video games with (they are his school friends). He has a computer that he had earned and saved his money for and I'm so relieved he's feeling better. Thank you, Marnie.

Jayden G.
High School Student

I was so worried about everything going on with COVID-19, but obsessively, and the day of the call, I felt a million times better. It was like I was pulled away from the all spinning I had been doing!!

Laurie H.
Writer/Producer Partner

The issue I submitted was about my nightmare neighbors who had been completely ruining my life and environment from the day they moved in. I have lived in my house for 15 years and it has been nothing but peaceful until these people moved in 1.5 years ago. Since submitting my issue to you, there has been a massive night and day improvement in their behavior, their children’s behavior, and their dog’s behavior, truly miraculous!!! Also, I can feel my disdain toward them has shifted into feeling much more patient and less angry, I can’t thank you enough!

On a side note, during and after the call it was brought to my attention that especially since February when COVID-19 was beginning, since I am stuck home for all these months, I am completely dependent on my husband financially, but I have realized also that it is translating into me being completely dependent emotionally. I have given up my power in every way and I have been starting to feel like an imbecile.

I used to go on live television, travel by myself to go on live television, perform on TV and film under high pressure. I was always very good under pressure, but recently couldn’t even face going to the DMV by myself. This call really helped me get back in touch with my own power and ability to not only make decisions but come back most importantly into my own personal power.

The perfect wake up and reminder I needed.
Thank you, Marnie!!!!!

Stacey H.
Social Media Influencer - Model

Just wanted to share this with you. I listened to a bunch of calls over the weekend. The one about strengthening your breasts really worked. LOL. When I was in the shower yesterday, I noticed they looked bigger and I felt like I liked them. I never have before. Isn't that funny??

Faithe H

Such an awesome call, Marnie. My issue is needing my renter to move out with ease and no problems. According to law, she has up to 120 days to move out. I have given her a financial incentive to leave early, she will be receiving notice from the attorney to vacate this week, so I will keep you posted. Thank you, Marnie, for removing all the blocks concerning this. I had listened to last year’s activation on decisions before this call, time was of the essence. And after THIS call on decisions, I can truly say I am totally confident. I always feel you working on me between calls and I love it. There are even some days that I will listen to an activation 3 times in the background during the day. And just so you know ... I believe I missed the Mastery feedback, my breast is feeling normal again, sometimes I get twinges in the lymph area where cancer had spread. I go in for mammogram and lung CT next month for follow up on the Valley Fever issue from a few years ago that you worked on also. I am expecting perfect test results, thanks to you and this Method. I love, love, love you, and Dr. Yuen. So GRATEFUL!!!!!!

Karen H
Retired Massage Therapist

I asked for strengthening regarding my ex who is/was abusive and an alcoholic and him possibly wanting to see our daughter. All is good so far. Thank you. Please keep strengthening for best, highest outcome. I am also listening to the activations!

Thank you kindly,

Kelly K.
Massage Therapy

Thanks, Marnie and Kam, for another grand sweep of everything that's been bothering me and been on my mind. Felt the Kam Kung Fu sweep when you introduced him on call. Love the feeling of high energy running thru my body, knowing all is fine with me and the world!!! Such a relief. I like the addition of his short recording on the page as well, knowing he is there helping, as well.

Improvement happening for me on issues submitted for body image, weight, energy level, and pain on the bottom of heel left foot. Listening to activation daily to keep those changes improving!

Also, seeing huge improvement for elderly neighbor lady, Bonnie, that I'd asked for help. She received inheritance her stepsister had been withholding and is now remodeling her Ohana house, and she's reclaiming her power and energy levels and joy. Just in time for a breast cancer diagnosis, although biopsy shows it is isolated, has not spread. I am continuing the lymph clearing you did on call for her and deleting cause. She also hired another yard guy this week! LOL Clearing for him-to-us for a good job that respects space and the poison that he plans on using on weeds will not bother me.

Friends seeing improvements that I'd requested help for. A day later after calling, a friend’s ex-husband that was lingering way too long, as he was too afraid to let go, passed calmly. I'd deleted for his family holding on. He allowed his kids to be there, and they let go of all old issues and let him go. Another friend's son with real and manipulative mental issues is improving, staying calm, allowing his mom to live at home again, no longer attacking or intimidating her, finally agreeing to talk to his therapist over zoom and even taking a prescribed mild drug. He was afraid of side effects, strengthened him to the drugs to help him. His paranoia is less, and his wide-open empathy to world channels quieter. He still won't accept deletions from his mom or me. The third friend is seeing financial improvement, holding a steady job, has a new love interest, and decided to boot out a manipulative renter taking advantage of her tiny home and not getting his own vehicle repaired.

Thanks for the help! My foot is doing better as I put my foot down with all of them to stop constant complaining and start using their tools. I did clearings with them one-on-one and they heard me and improvements happened. Our weekly pool time and support group and exercise time is back on track, and we have established bubble quarantine measures where we can trust each other to take precautions not be exposed elsewhere, and not bring COVID-19 exposure to the rest of the group.

Thanks Marnie and Kam!

MaeLou L.

Thank you for the amazing call!

Love, love, love Dr. Yuen's message!!! Wow, so fresh! It is helping me to allow the download for myself. The download means allowing my full clarity to find me, and me find it! I am in charge of the way I feel! Wow! That is the true, fullness of feeling empowered. This Method has been helping me accomplish it and get my results! This knowing is priceless because it is accessible to me 100% of the time! Feeling at ease, respecting, and allowing my own physical intelligence to take over. This is my biggest wish in life ... to live every day and recognize and be part of this magical universe. I get to experience life in its purest form and my part in the magical connection of universe.

Inae K.

Student of Corrections

I am powerfully evolving before myself. I am finding myself in calmer waters and access to deeper parts of me that have been long forgotten. It's as if shards of time that were once scattered and fragmented have magnetically and organically begun to take coherence. I am understanding my inner being on a much more profound level. I wasn't able to attend the meeting live that day, but as I was on my way to work, I literally was saying to myself to hit all the green lights. So, there is a quickening of our senses and a calming of our brains to access the infinite neutrality of the universe.

Self-Employed/Business Owner

Hi Marnie!

Thank you very much for the call!

Thank you for the message of Dr. Kam Yuen!

Thank you for All Marnie! And your Presence with us!

Spiritual Consultations

I heard so much of value in listening to the replay of the whole call several times, and have had lots of ups and downs since the call. Been listening to the activation every day, to help with very challenging and emotionally stressful work situation. I want to be strong to KS and to the people there, so I can leave as soon as the right path forward appears. 

Caroline M.
Technical Sales

With tennis (July request), playing great now takes precedence over winning even though I'm still winning way more than losing, AND most importantly, I've stopped being a bad luck charm to ever partner that I'm paired with. Also, the Universe just opened up new opportunities for me to play with a large group of better players.
Here’s an interesting thing: I decided to postpone taking the State Real Estate License because I didn’t think that I could deal with wearing a face mask for the 3.5-hour long exam, but I just received notification today that the state is offering the test ONLINE for the first time ever! SO, no excuses now, it's time to buckle down and review the 63 hr course that I took this Spring and finally go for it! What a surprise.

Marta M.
Retired for now ...

I do notice an overall calmness, less reactive, more observant. I notice that I get less triggered by others, less emotional, yay! That leaves me in a space to really choose how to respond, if at all.

Haley M.
Artist, Light Worker, Healer

I love the monthly calls! The golden nugget that I took away from this call was that making every task even and strong to the work we are doing is better than wondering about purpose - I really understood that principle. At the end of the call, I felt supported, lighter, and OK with current world events. 

Irina M.


My question was about moving from current home and career - want to quit my job and be self-sustaining with Yuen Method clients. My husband and I were in Chicago for our wedding reception when the July call took place. When we returned home several things became clear and began falling into place. Our different employers announced that we'd be working at home for the rest of the year. Even though we'd like to live in a bigger place, it became clear that we'd be better off staying where we are for now and completely converting the second bedroom into an office. With COVID-19, no one is staying or visiting anyway! I have a better sense of general direction with my business, although could be stronger on prioritizing and putting myself out there.

Colleen O.

Marketing and Yuen Practitioner

Career was my issue. This call provided so much clear insight and direction - feeling that this lifetime was my whole purpose to get to where I am now. Experiencing the intelligence of this system so much that I feel more alive yet very balanced, centered, and stable.

As a result of this call, I have made new decisions that allow me to feel more in control of my life and they were easy to make because I was clear on how right they were for me and I am strong to the timing.
Absolutely loved the call. Thank you! Unconditional love from

Gaylene P.

Yuen Mastery Consultant

My issue was about needing to find a better work situation and I have been continuing to focus on body reduction. At that point, I still hadn't lost any weight but was able to remain neutral and not obsess or get upset about it which is actually fantastic as it has been an ongoing problem for me since I was a child! The August call felt like a consolidation of the previous 2 calls and now over the last couple of weeks, I am finally starting to see results and lose some weight YAY!!! I also feel calm and secure and a deep sense of KNOWING that everything is working itself out. I can see all my past stressing about money, work and my weight was pushing what I wanted even further away from me. I have never been able to stick to a regular meditation habit but now I have been playing strengthening and deletions every day for the past 4 months and this is so amazing for me! My family, out of the blue, have started to do positive things for themselves and I am sure this is an effect of the call. I am really feeling that life is good and is continuing to get better - I feel so relieved and blessed to have found this Method - thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen!

Anna R.
Customer Service Officer, Artist

Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Kam Yuen. My Dad is home. he's happy to be back. I had another dream of my Mom - the first one she let me know she was with us. That was the beginning of my Dad going missing etc. within a month ago. A few days after my Dad returned from the hospital, I had a dream of her again and we were having a regular conversation. It was awesome. Just like she was in the physical world. She is definitely here. Yuen Method doesn't get any better. The difference is undeniably the best. Now, if only Pickles would come visit. I miss my bestie. A lot has changed - my throat is clear. It felt clogged for quite some time.

Nancy S.

Finding path or place. Meeting someone special. About 3 days before the call, I met someone online and really like them. Was asked out by a business acquaintance. Got a new job. During the call, we were told to take a deep breath and I did, then I yawned. But what is really great about that is my jaw did not crack. It always cracks. Sometimes I have trouble taking a big bite, but since the call, my jaw opens all the way and no crack or pain. Also, much clearer on decisions I am making. Thank you!!!!

Patricia S.
Home Health Care, Self-Employed

Hi Marnie, I know that I’ve experienced a major shift, especially with my dental situation. I’ve changed doctors and I feel much more confident about it. I’ve also gotten a physical which was great and I’m going to a dermatologist next month. I’m not procrastinating these things anymore. I’m getting it done! I don’t have the fear that I did before. Tomorrow is Friday and I am getting a molar extracted. I have been on antibiotics for the last 10 days. If the area seems strong, healthy and free of bacteria or infection, he will put a post in. Every once in awhile, I get a little nervous about it. But I am way ahead of where I was several months ago with this. Thank you for all your help! And Dr. Yuen, also!


Please help Glenn keep his job. He is essentially a social worker. Thank you, Marnie. So far, I have gotten resolution with every monthly focus.

My issue was needing to make decisions about my home (really my deceased mother’s condo). What to sell or keep, wanting to figure out where I should move, being able to make clear and good decisions about it.

During the call, I felt very strong and confident I could make clear decisions. I thought it was a great call.

Laurel S.

I felt during the call improvements to my financial energy, purpose, boundaries, clarity, and stronger insight. Overall, it felt uplifting and I’m very grateful!

Andrew T.
Online Courses Teacher

I must say that my blood pressure readings have been good and holding.

Very strong call!!! Thanks.

Diana T.

I felt stronger and lighter during the call and I continue to feel stronger.

Laura T.

Deletions really do need to happen in an order beyond my comprehension. It’s a process and I will continue on this journey. Thank you, Marnie, for your enthusiastic support and corrections.

Much love,

Monica W.
Corporate Career and Mom

I wasn't on the live call. My boyfriend and I were way too exhausted. When I started the call the next day, I was cleaning my boyfriend's room and enlisting his 4- year old son to pick up his toys. He refused to cooperate. I felt like both of us were having an internal tantrum. He was frustrated and I felt frazzled. I must have listened to the call five times. He listened, too. Each time, the resistance was reduced.

Kristen W.

ESL Instructor, Stay-At-Home Mom

There are so many points you gave in the call that every time I listen is a new chance to shift some 'chunk o' gunk' out. Sometimes it is a little intense!

Thank you and Dr. Yuen--His Method and your insight are the place to be.

With all the support we have and the tools, we are in an amazing place at this time!!

Love to all,

Judy W.

Chronic Indecisiveness/Decisions

I am definitely a lot more neutrally strong since the call.

My youngest daughters' ear got dramatically worse, and where I would normally get psyched out, I made rational and cool decisions with getting the right medical help without delay, something that would have bothered me prior (without hubby home and being in a foreign country).

She is on a multitude of medications right now for meningitis.

I have no doubt that it would have been worse if she wasn't listening to the activations constantly and remaining calm and strong to treatments in all areas.

Karen W.

World Schooling Mum of Six

I have been making some new friends and getting to know some people that I would not have expected to get to know previously. I have a feeling that these people finally crossed my path because they may need my support in some way. In a way, I'm glad I'm able to interact with them while staying strong and neutral without psyching their issues onto myself (well most of the time lol). All thanks to this Method, this group, and Marnie who is supporting me behind the scenes all the time.

Joyce Y.

Compliance Manager

I thought last month's meeting and topic were for me, the best so far. About 1 hour and 25 minutes or so into the program, I lost my internet connection and didn't get it back for a while. Days before the meeting, my issues lessened in intensity and it was calmer here on the home front. I felt better and my wife seemed more at ease in general. That is a Big Deal! During the meeting, I found myself relaxed and almost falling asleep which I imagine I needed.  As I'm writing this, I hear sirens.  I look out West of my home and I see a brushfire in the early stages but still a large "Loom up”. (a lot of smoke funneling up).

So, I'm going to go, but I want to personally thank you and Dr. Yuen for all the help, especially the last few weeks!

Robert F.


August- Fulfill Your Needs, Wants, and Desires
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

I was not able to be on the call on real-time this month, but what is so interesting is that when I listened to the call, my WiFi connection dropped twice and that’s never happened before. I thought you would enjoy knowing that Marnie ;) It’s time to really connect, right! I submitted a question about finding a mate without bringing doubt and past relationships into the equation. It’s been an interesting month... I had an individual pursuing me that was saying all the sweet things I believed I wanted to hear, however, the sweet talk turned to him asking me several times to help him financially. I was able to recognize this for what it was very quickly and end the relationship. In the past, I would have ignored this particular red flag and continued. I believe I am truly connecting to my insight and am so glad I followed it in this case. Now I can be open to someone that I’m strong to and he to me.

Erin B.
Wellness Consultan/ Ballet Teacher

It’s been a crazy month settling into my new life in Canada. Lots of magic has happened. I have noticed how much ease and support, and gifts have been given to me. In general, it’s been an amazing unfolding. After the check-in call…I met a woman who is moving back to her home country and selling everything in her house. I bought a bunch of her beautiful furniture before the garage sale! She said I got about $10,000 worth of furniture for $1,800! I’m not used to having such beautiful furniture!

Tarini B.

OMG Marnie!!! Did you just read my feedback and delete my hip pain that I did not tell you about???

I just put on my pajama bottoms and anticipated the sensation from my right hip that I've become used to over the past few weeks, pain that was starting to feel worse, and it is gone! It was bothering me so much I thought of submitting it to you for the next issue. It’s gone.

Thank you, it is gone!

Kimberly B.

I had been concerned about too much possible virus exposure for myself and my husband when I returned to taking care of two grandchildren in connection with school this fall. The last time I took care of them was at some point last March.

Within just the past few days I got the update that the Pre-K and the first-grader grandchildren would be doing online schooling from home. TODAY was my first day helping them with this, as their mother took the day off from work to show me all of the computer set-ups and protocols. I learned a lot and feel neutral and reassured that this is the best possible set-up for them and myself in relation to all the COVID-19 goings-on. I definitely feel more reassured and stable. Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen

Retired School Counselor

This month’s call feels like it was purpose-made just for me! I love how it covers so many areas and is concise for all the areas while being able to hit all the key points that I need it to for maximum benefit. 

I enjoyed the success call last week. I found it to be inspiring listening to all the people who came on. I find these types of calls to be wonderful to listen to again, especially when I feel as though I am not getting it right when working on myself or loved ones with this Method. These calls remind me that anything is possible and to keep at it.

I was not able to listen to the entire call as there was lots of chatter and activity surrounding me at the time. I heard Chris saying my name at one point. I went back to my computer and I saw on the screen something about unmuting. I saw in an email that was sent out a few days prior to the success call that people were asked to reply to that email if they wanted to come on the call to share their stories. It never once crossed my mind to go on and share. I don’t feel hesitant, shy, or anxious about it. I guess I am in a comfortable groove when it comes to the feedback or sharing my success stories as writing about it is very smooth and strengthening for me so I don’t feel like I need to share it any other way.

What I noticed about the monthly call: the week prior to the call my sex drive increased considerably. It was like it was nitro-powered, lol. My husband’s sex drive didn’t keep up with mine, but the difference in mine was so noticeable. It has now settled down to a lower level but still higher than where it had been previously before you and Dr. Kam worked on me before the call. Also, since the call, I have been seeing people that I have known for a long time but have not seen in many years. I am seeing them at the shops and stopping to chat with them. It has been enjoyable to do this. The people I have seen have all said how good I look and that I am not appearing to age at all!! When they say this to me it makes me feel like doing a happy dance, lol. I do not wear any makeup except for tinted lip balm so for others to notice that I am not aging is awesome! Thank you for the skin and rejuvenation calls. They are brilliant and clearly working.

Ashleigh D.
Stay-at-Home Mum

This month dealt with decision making. I can never make a decision. Even as a kid, I took 20 minutes to order from a menu. I was a bit wishy-washy. Anyway, this seems to be the thing of the past. It just dawned on me how I’ve made lots of successful decisions in the last few weeks. I just redid our kitchen, new floors, paint all new appliances, and more. Every decision I made came out perfectly. My wife and I waited 19 years to do this. Why? We did it all during the stress of her online teaching and yet it all worked out. I also built a great new office with all new computer equipment and separate internet. She was ecstatic and it’s worked out really well. Also, refinancing the house with an all-time low rate, started a new course in cloud computing, extremely busy at my company having to make all these new server decisions and workflows that are all working. I bring this up because I was thinking about how I’ve been making some pretty good decisions on my own. Then it dawned on me that is what we are working on this month. It’s working for me. My confidence has sky-rocketed. Wanted to share

Randall D.

My main thing is I feel I am making strides doing the Method myself. I have been able to go deeper and figured out some deep issues I struggled to clear by finding the back door.

Peter E.

Before the call, I felt doubtful about my ability to change job and make more money, however, after the call, all my doubts are gone!!!

Martine E.
Mental Health Counselor

The issue I submitted was financial. I usually follow Marnie’s corrections online while studying the charts. Today, I made the effort to tune into and delete my financial weaknesses finding issues that are not on the charts. For example, I found a recurring weakness both my husband and I (and ancestors) had from a spiritual vow of poverty that was still affecting us today!

After I did these corrections, I got up and started going through stacks of papers I have not had the energy to sort through for years, and was able to throw most of it away. Thank you for clearing so much that enabled me to feel this success.

After over 10 years of being debilitated by chronic illness, the residue, or feeling of being stuck with no way out, lifted. And I feel more open to unexpected new beginnings. I’m feeling the importance of clearing out old things in order to bring in new opportunities.

With your help I will have the energy to keep moving forward.

Also, months ago I asked for help to break a powerful habit of staying up too late watching TV. I’ve finally been having some success going to bed early! It’s like a miracle to me because I was so entrenched in this unhealthy habit for over 10 years.

Thank you doesn’t begin to describe my gratitude!

The month of August I suffered from severe food poisoning. The fatigue was debilitating. It felt like my body was being pulled into the Earth. Every little movement took enormous effort.

After the call, my fatigue improved and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my body and I could move like a normal person. I felt so grateful. Then in the morning, I was able to eat breakfast without using the nausea meds. The past few days I have not felt the fatigue like a huge weight pulling me down. YEA!!!!

Amazing results!!! My husband and I are both relieved!
Thank you so much.

Joy E.

I don't remember exactly what personal issues I submitted before the call, however, I tend to get things done now more than ever. Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen, for your powerful work!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

Robert F.

Retired Firefighter/Paramedic

On a good note, the spirits that kept me awake went away!! Thank you for that. I couldn't sleep before and that issue is gone. Thank you!!

Jana F.

Stay-at-Home Mom

(This is Ari’s, mom, Lori). Ari's relationships regarding school and his girlfriend (everything usually being at a distance due to COVID-19): he seems to be doing better, less depressed.
Thank you!

Ari G.
High School Student

Just wanted to share this with you. I listened to a bunch of calls over the weekend. The one about strengthening your breasts really worked. LOL. When I was in the shower yesterday, I noticed they looked bigger and I felt like I liked them. I never have before. Isn't that funny??

Jesse G.
Intuitive Healer

I've been working on reversing the damage to my eyesight and recovering 20:20 vision for the last 2-3 calls. I can say that the floaters in my right eye are almost gone. This call was amazing despite the technical issues. I felt so strong afterwards, like I can conquer the world. Thanks to you, Marnie, for all your support in the successful sale of my home in the middle of COVID-19. The move out of my home this month went smoothly and I have no regrets about wrapping up my life of 34 years there. The stress is gone. I feel light and relaxed. Life is good again. Looking forward to the next chapter. 

Christie G.
Psychiatric Nurse

I wanted to tell you that my results from the kidney tomography and cystoscope test showed no cancer and everything is good!!

First of all, I want to share that I have much more energy now. There is more flow, more green lights regarding clients connecting to me asking for sessions. I have also started to book and work with Pilates clients too, and it is fun again!! I have come to an agreement with a Yoga studio in my community to have my sessions there, a wonderful little place.
I’m more relaxed about getting the right answers and trusting my insight and pictures that we get from the Other Side.
Love that and want more of that flow!!!!

Helena G.
Pilates Instructor and Mentor

I am powerfully evolving before myself. I am finding myself in calmer waters and access to deeper parts of me that have been long forgotten. It's as if shards of time that were once scattered and fragmented have magnetically and organically begun to take coherence. I am understanding my inner being on a much more profound level. I wasn't able to attend the meeting live that day, but as I was on my way to work, I literally was saying to myself to hit all the green lights. So, there is a quickening of our senses and a calming of our brains to access the infinite neutrality of the universe.

Connie Griffin
Wife & Mother

I asked: I would like support from you in healing and removing metastases in my spine and hip and to remove any rampant cancer cells in my body. I wish for a healthy spine.

I fell asleep during the call so I cannot report any sensations.
I just had medical checkups, bone scan, blood test, mammogram.

Metastasis intensity receding (inexplicable to the doctor), Mammogram perfect. Blood test still shows high tumor markers and weak liver. But nothing to worry about.

I am amazed, thank you for the support on my healing quest.

Now, being a healer, I have been working on them myself for a while, and I am sure this work also has been quite effective. Nevertheless, I find it noteworthy, my request to Marnie was to delete all metastases and rampant cancer cells in my body, and the bone picture I got on the 21st showed a lessening in intensity of the bone metastases.

I would like to mention this as I find it wonderful, extraordinary, and I felt very supported from the beginning.

Gabriele H.

My personal issue submitted was anxiety and panic attacks in public situations and fear of passing out. There’s obviously been a big shift because even writing this I no longer even relate to that - it sounds ridiculous to me! So that’s definitely a good sign! I haven’t really been in any public situations lately to have noticed a shift in the anxiety and panic, but I’m also not waking up with intense anxiety and panic like I was before. Massive improvement - thank you! I enjoyed the activation on the call very much and listened to it another four or five times today and the more I listen to it, the more I resonate with it and get out of it. (I’m looking forward to re-listening to the entire call when it is published tonight on the membership area.). Thanks again Marnie! 

Stacey H.
Social Media Influencer, Model

I was afraid of being intimate, and connected with a new person in my life.

When your internet failed Marnie, I had not listened to the call yet. That day when I got to work, my phone had a 1% charge left on it! But half an hour earlier it was fully charged. I had to reboot it, and that was the only way I got a chargeback on my phone. I think the Universe was giving me a message to recharge my batteries.

Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen. I have had no fear of the Coronavirus. You are both amazing!

Diane H.
Womens’ Advocate and Healer

Amazing call. I was laughing so hard because technology is definitely NOT my strength and is actually very frustrating for me, so watching that call unfold and how you handled it was very interesting! You were so calm and neutral!!!

CONNECTION!!!! I got that at a whole new level. Last year Dr. Yuen worked on my chest and said the issue was separated from the rest of my body, as if the physical intelligence didn’t know it was there. I notice when processing things that the physical intelligence connects out, but the connection coming back is often weak. Hmmm. Also, applying the body, mind, and spirit being strong for connecting/separating to relationships and really pretty much everything else.

Several years ago, after the airlines sent my luggage to Hawaii and couldn’t find it for a week, I started connecting my luggage to me to follow me wherever I go when I travel. I’ve never had a problem since!

Becoming aware of the things we’re connected to that are not beneficial, the negative news, people and circumstances in our environment or the world that weaken us is crucial to be able to delete them.

Connecting with you and the group on a regular basis is such a blessing and strengthens me and my whole family!

Thank you!

Jill H.

Builder and Real Estate Broker

Power on... connect... I hear the message loud and clear!!!! This was my favorite call of the year and this call surpassed all that I needed, it was so multi-faceted. Just wanted to inform you of my perfectly normal mammogram and ultrasound results. So happy and grateful!!! Thank you for your amazing “Marnie magic” finding all my hidden weaknesses. Thank you again, Marnie. Amazing call.

Karen H.

Retired Massage Therapist

During the call I felt at ease and like a burden fell off my chest. I know divine timing is the key and I want to push forward, but WOW! There have been huge signs coming my way. I wanted to see new opportunities to earn money, and a week ago a former massage client sent me an advertisement that they were looking for therapists renting there now and cooperating in an area that I had huge success some years ago. I called and booked a meeting yesterday and as I did that, I felt that I am now in the right direction again! I feel I am starting to attract the right people to help me. The meeting went so well that I will start in 2 weeks and test it there. It will be an arranged meeting with a reporter writing an updated article about me and my services as a therapist to help me get the PR, inform persons that I am back for more clients’ success stories. I am so happy and am sure that you helped this opportunity to arise, as I need it the most!

Also, I now have more dog bookings, and will walk a dog regularly which also brings in money! Much love and flow and gratitude!! Xoxoxo,

Asa J.


Thank you so much for your attention and this phenomenal call!! I'm feeling much better and stronger.

Rita L.

I had a peaceful call with my Mom on my birthday. So grateful for that.

Charlene L.


Wow Marnie, this was truly the most amazing call ever… the epitome of experiential learning at its best!!! You covered it all… deleting all the blocks to being open and receptive to receiving and turning on the right settings for a strong connection. I actually felt myself opening to the energy and sensed the blocks for connecting dissipate into thin air, like a fog that has enveloped my existence forever, now leaving me joyful and free. I love the visual of going to your midline and turning on the Wi-Fi, the connection to the universal intelligence, knowing that if the connection is weak, then delete the weaknesses and make sure all the settings are on. There's always a plan B... good to know! I have been watching other group members experience this connection, always wondering what was wrong with me that I couldn’t quite do it. My settings were off and now I get it!! I have deleted the settings that no longer serve me and now I am ready, willing, and able to really do this Method. That comparing energy that you and I spoke about so often was trying to tell me to turn on my settings, but instead I got lost in shame and disappointment. I felt my exit portals strengthen, my speed is strong and the stalled slow energy is now flowing… today I had no knee pain on my walk …and if it returns, I know my body is speaking to me, and I will delete the weaknesses! There is still more karma that I need to delete in order to attract the right people in my life. Your resilience is inspirational. Thank you, Marnie and Dr. Yuen, for this gift of life! XO,

Rayna L

Hi Marnie... I wanted to send you a quick note on the Success Call last week. On last week's call, I had let you know that my ad account was shut-down and my wife's debit card was compromised - you cleared a stuck back door that was related to my wife and presto - I instantly felt something. You also told me to give it until the following week. Well, on the morning of Labor Day, right before I woke up, I was doing some clearings and I saw some green triangle geometric figures at differing angles come into my mind's eye. I've been channeling green in a super strong way ever since the prior month's call with the mantis and the green ticket! I woke up to find that my account was re-activated. Thank you, Marnie, for your insights and bringing the diamond head rattler to remind us, to not get rattled. I was reminded of the Gadsen Flag with the words Don't Tread On Me. I saw this symbol on a few cars just a few weeks back. For me, the rattler is a symbol of overcoming our deepest fears and being victors in our own lives. The diamond represents prosperity, vision, and longevity. Calling on the rattler energy to help us open all the backdoors we can't see and locate - packets of green triads to unlock all locks on all levels. Thanks Marnie!


Business Owner/Manager

I noticed the discomfort in upper left leg disappeared! Thank you very much! I had this already some time! I stayed happy!

Thank you for All Marnie!

Deep Gratitude!

Spiritual Consultations

Thank you for the call. I always feel good and happy & uplifted by your lovely energy. You are a beautiful person.

Theresa M.

Issue: Career/Purpose - need to re-invent myself, new career with true financial abundance.

Have been listening to the whole call, and message from Dr. Yuen, and Personal Intensive months 1 and 5 short activations all multiple times...

The call on 8/26 was an amazing call with all of the messages around communication and “it's never what you think it is!” I have been able to make serious progress on sorting items for release/discard, and it is going remarkably well. I'm going through clothes and possessions I haven't been able to touch/deal with at all in literally years...WOW! Thank you - feeling so much better! The emotional/energetic log jam has been broken and experiencing real movement. I can see light at the end of the tunnel - on making space to do my art and space to live comfortably and to attract what to do next in my life and career that will bring me joy and true abundance.

Have a dramatic update to share with you on what has been happening since the last call. Lots going on very quickly!

At 4 pm Wednesday (yesterday) I had a meeting in person with my boss (General Manager) and Bill (CFO). My 4-year employment was ended, effective immediately.

I was given a check for the commissions owed plus vacation time accrued and offered a rather generous severance package (my salary paid to the end of the year), IF I sign the confidential severance agreement within the next twenty days. I will be allowed back to the office Friday to get the rest of my things, and personal stuff from my work computer.

I have already sent the agreement to a friend who is an attorney, for review, and I spoke with him this morning. He is very supportive and will provide an assessment/feedback.
I am choosing to see this as a wonderful gift and opportunity.
I have been wanting time off to rest and recuperate/regroup, and then to clear out the apartment, storage locker, and my life! Clear the decks, and make space/time/energy for my art!

And I have been quite unhappy with this job for a long time. I have been working in this industry straight through with very little time off (for two companies) going on 12 years - since December 2008.

I want to re-invent myself/my life and find/do something that really matters to me, is enjoyable, life-enhancing, and is in true financial abundance. YES!

I thank Marnie, her team, Dr. Yuen, and the whole community for their ongoing support.

Caroline M.

Before call health issues, rush of energy in chest, acid reflux, congestion, headache.

Next day after call, symptoms went away. Also, I received the largest purchase order I have had in months from a new customer. Sales have been really slow for months. Also, learned I may be receiving some more large orders from another customer that hasn’t placed any orders in a long time.
Thanks, Marnie!

Travis M.

Outside Engineering Sales

I was just listening to the new bonus recording that you & Dr. Yuen made and suddenly started feeling waves of energy relief working into my sore neck and shoulder muscles.
Much appreciated!

Marta M.
Retired (for now)

During the call, there was a huge fly in my office. It was coming and going, landing on my Elvis cup. It was so appropriate with what was going on with the connection--the higher message for me was take it, leave it, be bugged, not be bugged, neutral. There are many things that bug me. I realized today, a week after the call, that it's up to me to get to neutral. The bugging is in the thought, delete my mind, delete the world's mind, partner's mind, fly's mind, pesky minds! Delete takes precedence over thinking, naming, obsessing, feeling bugged, hurt, etc., etc., etc. Neutral! Strong! Thanks, Marnie and Dr. Kam for this amazing incite, program, evolution for all. (((hugs)))

Haley M.

Artist, Lightworker/Healer

Head spinning dizziness while in bed turning over through the night.

I just listened to the call and had a lightning strike realization of the anger, frustration of stopping, limiting experiences from a lifetime of mine and from ancestors and karma that has frustrated and stopped my hard work to progress getting what I want, need, and desire. I could FEEL the back log in my head and Eureka - of course, that would cause dizziness, and the only time I give it a chance to manifest is when lying down. Not napping - but sleeping and dreaming deeply, all the negative and traumatic spiritual experiences of my Dreamtime life! Can’t wait to see changes tonight, even if it takes a few months, this is big! I cried when it dawned on me! Thanks for that release and realization!

Bette M.
Energy Practitioner/Writer

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support and strengthening for my skin, etc. for my wedding reception. Everything turned out great! We had a fantastic photographer and the event itself was light-hearted and fun after many stops and starts due to COVID-19.

Colleen O.

Marketing , Yuen Practitioner

It is so fantastic to have your help. Your commitment to the group. Thank you, thank you Marnie and Dr. Kam, and team.

Kjerstin P.


I listened to Marnie and Dr. Yuen behind-the-scenes strengthening call. I was amazed to hear the analogy of deleting our issues with deleting our computer files. I have stayed away from my computer for years. The idea of going into all my messy and outdated files was something I could not face. But now I’m working with someone on creating a new website and I had to go into my files. Just before I listened to the strengthening call, I had already started deleting computer files, and then I hear that Dr. Yuen has deleted all of his files.
As a Feng Shui consultant, I understand the connection between clutter and our bodies. Stuck energy outside: stuck energy inside! I’m organizing and deleting computer files and I can’t wait to experience the results!

Thank you for reminding me to delete files!

Mary R.

Musician and Feng Shui Consultant

Last month I wrote in about my cat who has been waking me up every night for the past 4 months, crying for attention, but not wanting to be held or come on the bed. She has been much better recently. So much so that I thought she had escaped outside when I woke up in the morning without any crying all night. Thank you, Marnie, and Dr. Yuen!

These past few months have been building up something fierce for me. I am preparing to launch my own intuitive coaching business and every day I get these massive messages from the universe about getting paid to do what I love. Thank you for supporting and facilitating this change in my life.

Sequoia R.

Camper Van Technician

My issue was about the rent renewal/landlord/kids and it did resolve. Thank you.

I also appreciated the behind the scene strengthening with Dr. Yuen you posted.

On the day of the call and all the internet mishaps, I kept neutral.

I do appreciate all the insights that come through the call. Thank you very much!

Noelle T.

Not Working

My eyes had been very dry and irritated. They feel normal now. Have not needed moisturizing drops. I also have more energy and sleep better. I also purchased the May call on body reduction and noticed some differences by the next day. My husband and I split an Italian beef sandwich for dinner. Had 2 lunches with the other one. I have never eaten only a half before. Constant hunger and cravings are gone, also. Thank you! Looking forward to further improvements!

Mary T.


I like the concept of getting the green lights and all the freedom that goes with that. Thanks, Marnie.

Diana T.


The call was tremendous (as always). I loved the activation and have noticed that I am sleeping MUCH better than before the call (even though that was not an issue I'd submitted). It seems it is confirmation that, yes, the deletions do need to occur in a specific order for total relief.

Ooops, I forgot to add how much I enjoyed the Sept 3 call. I love the sense of community you have created. I feel as though the other members are another family supporting my journey in life. Thank you for providing the opportunity to see and hear from the tribe.

I appreciate your highlighting my experience this past weekend with the fires in Northern CA.

What I had not yet filled you in on is the absolute "Marnie Miracle" that took place Sunday evening.

To recap: I contacted you Saturday in a panic (unusual for me) due to the extreme fire danger in our area (San Rafael, just north of San Francisco). Our house sits less than a quarter of a mile from a ridge of oak trees that are stressed from the drought AND there is only one road out of our neighborhood of about 1,500 homes with the extreme danger conditions forecasted to last thru late Monday afternoon. Smoke from fires in the Bay Area was already choking the air and I could not get myself to neutral. During Saturday and Sunday, I kept checking the weather maps hoping to see some green (rain clouds) on the radar. Not a drop in the forecast.

You, Joann and whoever else is working on weekends were AWESOME. I was able to get to neutrality and prepare for a potential evacuation. I appreciated that greatly AND the on-going check-ins and support as needed.

By Sunday afternoon, a great calm swept over me and I knew everything was going to be okay. Then the MIRACLE occurred. I went to the kitchen and saw raindrops on my window!!!

There were just a few and they certainly had not been on the radar map earlier. I immediately went to the radar map and the green was only in my neighborhood and to the north about 10 miles. The sprinkles did not last long but it was enough for me to know that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply, deeply grateful.

Monica W.

Reinventing Self

Hi Marnie, I started having the effect of the energy hit me a day or two before Dr. Yuen and you made the special recording.

I found deep emotions and points of view held in the cells down to the quantum level are letting go. thank you for pushing thru!

Judy W.


As I said in my previous feedback,  the calls on rejuvenation were very powerful and transformative but the last four calls I attended, which were July, August in the lifestyle mastery, August and on September 3rd were unreal in the most amazing way.

All the stuff that happened technically with the computer without battery, the internet being off in the area, last time John's image freezing and unfreezing at the moment of a deletion. And these are just a few examples of all the incredible things that happened that show us that no matter what happens, no plan STRONG!

And the calls were such fun and really funny, who can forget the hilarious jokes of Chris (on the spot). I really laughed a lot.

After this last 3rd of September call I thought that it was such a great and really beautiful call that should be done more often. I realize that you do so much already but seeing the sharing of your cousin Molly, Laurie and all the other was so incredible that it's unmissable. And although it looked like an informal call it was truly powerful in terms of strengthening and deletion.

I also wanted to say thank you for having that discount on the personal intensive that gave us the possibility to buy it and it's really, really good and shows a deeper way of understanding and working with the method.

I'm truly grateful for what you give and bring to the world!

Pedro X.

September - Relationships
Achieving Self-Love
and Self-Acceptance!

Included Specific Coronavirus
Strengthening and Deletion

Awesome call, thank you! Filming work is slowly re-activating in Argentina, I've shot two commercials this month, so very happy about that...keep them coming please!!! 

Josefina A.

Singer and Actress

Marnie, that was an extremely important call. You were on fire. The information was huge! You also talked about handling things energetically in relationships, instead of verbally. No need to defend. THAT was a big Aha moment as well. Thank you! Love you, Marnie! 

Renee B.

Performing Arts Center Director

I submitted the issue of coming from a large, competitive and judgmental family and the self-sabotaging expectations I have of myself as a result. The strengthening and deletion process of this call went very deep. I can only describe the feeling I have now as one of serenity and purpose. Thank you so much Marnie and Dr. Yuen! I now feel my money worries have subsided and that I am strongly connected to the universe and the answers will come automatically.

Erin B.

Wellness Consultant