Get Instant Access to the March Strengthening & Deletion Monthly Membership Call!

March 2021

Delete Financial Stress
and Physical Pain, 

On The Spot

Includes Specific Coronavirus Strengthening and Deletion
For Protection, Prevention, and Ultimate Defense!

Includes a 1-hour BONUS call with Dr. Yuen and Marnie
Extra Strengthening for the COVID-19 Vaccine

 and Physical Symptoms!

Marnie & Dr. Yuen Joined Forces On This Call
You Will Receive "Double The Chi"

Are You Making, Attracting and Receiving
The Money You Deserve?


Is Financial/Career Stress Causing You
Any of the Following Problems?

  • Health problems
  • Back/neck pain 
  • Headaches
  • Heart attack
  • Fatigue, depression, drinking, drugs
  • Overwhelm
  • Affecting romantic relationships
  • Overeating/gained weight 
  • Working hard to achieve success
  • Fighting/arguing about money
  • Worried about future finances
  • Loans
  • Divorce that caused hardship
  • High expenses
  • Gambling addiction
  • Poor money management
  • Unemployed
  • Stuck in a low-income job
  • Trouble selling your house
  • Obstacles/setbacks

  • Marnie will Target and Strengthen These Specific Areas:

    • Stop all the negative chatter about money constantly going on in your mind
    • Improve your communication with others, making it easy for you to get what you want, including money!
    • Automatically attract others you need to support your cause
    • Restart your financial future  

    Delete Your Financial Stress and Pain, On The Spot!

    This is what you will receive in this month's package ....

    • ASSIMILATE - A PDF/manuscript that explains all the financial principles.
    • ACTIVATE- A Self-Strengthening and Deletion guided activation designed to be listened to daily to keep you strong for financial abundance.
    • RESULTS- A recording of the one hour group Strengthening and Deletion call designed to delete your financial weaknesses/blocks.

    What a Few of Our Members Said After the March Financial Call 

    My husband’s Covid-19 test was negative! 

    My clinic is very, very busy and thankfully nobody has had Covid-19 in my clinic. 

    My clinic is going really well.  My confidence has grown and my acupuncturist business has become very busy. I am full up this week, and last week was the busiest ever. I am not tired, and I am energized by my work!  I am bringing in good money for the first time in my life at the age of 60. 

    Overall, I have grown hugely in confidence since signing up for Marine’s monthly calls. 

    I am so grateful!  Thank you all for all your help! 

    Âine D.
    Owner/Acupuncture Clinic

    My daughter's husband has had two large bonus checks, and extra large income tax refund, and a free all expense paid trip to Madrid Spain for a week with clients. Everything is starting to open up since the first of the year.  Hooray!

    Steve Hayes

    My personal issue for the monthly call was a fractured right ankle and sprained left ankle. Very interesting - Since the last call on Relationships, the karma from my ex husband has finally come to a close as he got me to sign papers to sign the house over to me.

    Also, you mentioned about Karma with doctors and hospitals ... usually when I go anywhere near a hospital or Doctor, I have a bad experience. However, when I  was in the hospital this time, and when I went to see my general practitioner doctor,  it was totally different!  

    Everyone was amazing and lovely - I was amazed and I didn't know of that karma until the live call today, and I was in the hospital last week. I felt you remotely strengthening my leg and ankle in-between the monthly calls. Thank you Marnie, you are a bright light in the world.

    Diane Holland

    I asked for help for my cat itching and digging at her skin on Friday for the March call. Today, Monday, Moochi is doing much better!  No more scratching or digging, and spots are almost all healed.  Both cats are bouncing off walls tonight, running around.  They are happy again.

    I also woke up on Saturday and realized that my mid-back no longer has nerve or muscle pain.  Wow, love how quickly this works. Just *poof* gone.  Usually nights were the worst for creating back and neck pain.  No longer!  Bedroom and bed feels cleared.  Same for my sleep.  No more anxiety dreams.

    Thank you, thank you!  I am very happy to clear whatever that was.

    MaeLou Larson

    I had lots of energy live on the March call. I had received a Covid vaccination, my second, in the morning. I played Marnie’s activation when I arrived, and I played it again when I went out to the car. Besides a sore arm, I have experienced no symptoms whatsoever. I even felt more energetics than I normally do! Thank you, Marnie!

    Mary R.

    What Others Say


    “WOW!! I just moved another grand plus from my payments service into my bank account!  

    I've made more money and had more effortless registrations, connections,

    communications and just plain ease and grace in my work than literally ever before!  

    I have confidence, I feel honest, skilled and strong in self-assurance.  

    I feel more capable than ever and the family/work/having a life balance feels strong and stable!  

    Thank You, once again, Marnie: Your Strength, Improvement and Universal Alignment moves ALL of Humanity Along its BEST Trajectory."  

    Kathryn B.

    Sacred Artist


    Oh my Lordy! Wow, Marnie you are amazing. If I could be half as quick and good as you I would be friggin’ awesome!   This call and activation felt like the most shifts and expansion. I have spent years and countless dollars on practically every energy and non-energy healing work and courses, but this is the first time I can honestly say, I know it has worked and I know I have shifted into more of who I really am. Ha,ha I can't stop laughing. I feel so damn happy and giggly. Who needs G’n’ T's when there is you! ... and career with relationships, I could suddenly see (finally) where and what I want to do. Love you so much and I'm so glad I resonated enough with you to join this program. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

    Dee H.


    I cannot wait for the next call!

    My eyesight is clearing up. I was having trouble seeing things in the distance clearly. It is now improving. I was also having trouble focusing when I am in artificial light, especially in my lounge room. Reading the writing on the TV, especially if the writing was white, was becoming difficult to read.

    I noticed last night that it was vastly improved - anything close up is crystal clear. Thank you for these changes! 

    Ashleigh D.
    Stay at Home Mom

    Delete Your Financial Stress
    On The Spot!

    Only $47

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