Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Benefits
(Click/tap question for answer)

What do I receive each month in the membership? 

What types of problems can be resolved?

How does this work? How can Marnie do all this from a distance?

Do I need to have any previous training before I join?

Do I have to be on the live calls to get the benefits?

Can I subscribe mid-month?

What happens after I register? 

How do I maximize my results?

I'm not interested in the monthly topic/it does not pertain to me.

Do weaknesses disappear forever or can they come back?

Is one strengthening enough to deal with an issue or will a person need more than one? How many more? I have been told that occasional strengthening does not work.

Are there benefits to continuing on in the membership? My problem went away!

I seem to have the same recurring problem. Can the karma be deleted permanently?

How soon can I expect results and how long can I expect the results to last?

I noticed changes even before the live call took place, can that happen?

Sending in a Personal Issue to Marnie

How many times per month may I submit an issue to Marnie? Or is it just one issue per month?

Should my submitted issue be about the monthly topic theme or could it be about anything?

What if I don't experience a change after the monthly call?

Can I interact with Marnie on the live membership calls?

In today’s call Marnie mentioned something about family members. Can they also get the strengthening, along with me? Or do they have to become members themselves?

Can I register a family member on their behalf without them knowing? (because they don’t know about the method and I know they will not join because of being skeptical) or can I just mention an issue related to them if the topic does not apply to me?


Are the live calls recorded, in case I am not able to attend live?

When you are a member, do you have unlimited access to the recordings or is there a time limit?

Are non-members able to purchase recordings of past calls?

Is there a benefit to purchasing and listening to past calls?

How do I access the recordings?

Can I download the recordings?

Payments and Billing

Can I join the membership group for just one month?

If I cancel my membership, will I still have access to the months in which I participated?

Learning the Method

How can I learn the Method for myself?

Does Marnie teach live courses and give personalized training?